Recent Articles

The Greatest Gift - Part 1

May 1 2021 - Krishna Talk 230
Devotional life or Bhakti-yoga is a science which follows very exact guidelines — which are both very easy to follow and at the same time difficult for many, because their feet may be firmly rooted in material desires and sinful activities. Yet the Holy Name chanted purely will pull them out of the... » more

The Divine Intervention of Sri Nityananda Prabhu

Feb 25 2021 - Krishna Talk 229
If someone says I accept the divinity of Mahāprabhu but not the divinity of Nityānanda Prabhu, then he is a philosopher of this half-hen philosophy. The whole thing is spoiled. So from Nityānanda Prabhu, our fortune begins. » more

Keeping the Vision

Jan 9 2021 - Krishna Talk 228
By the constant process of hearing, chanting and associating we will grow more and more to that more substantial plane where faith is the most important thing and where we find ourselves always in the position of surrender and catching everything coming from above instead of just struggling up the... » more

The Vision of Govindaji Gardens

Aug 15 2020 - Krishna Talk 227
You've come here to put to practice what you read about in Śrīla Śrīdhara Mahāraj's books and Śrīla Puri Mahāraj's and in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books. That's the reason you've come here, to put it into practice. To live it. To become a deep thinker. To try to enter into the substantial realm of Kṛṣṇa... » more

Mahāprabhu as Prabhupāda

Feb 4 2020 - Krishna Talk 224
Prabhupāda is not a title applicable only to Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda or even to only Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Prabhupāda. » more

Giants—Myth or Fact?

Jun 28 2019 - Krishna Talk 222
Could giants have walked the Earth in bygone ages? » more

Vedic Global Culture

Jun 23 2019 - Krishna Talk 221
In ancient times there was indeed a shared culture and technology/knowledge that originated as part of Vedic culture. » more

The Life & Example of Srimati Krsnamayi Devi

Jun 12 2019 - Krishna Talk 220
Despite so many good qualities and capabilities, she remained quiet and humble in the shadow of her guru. » more

A Few Words on the Rasa of Srila Prabhupada and the ‘Suicide Squad’

Mar 17 2019 - Krishna Talk 219
Such intimacies are better kept secret - not to be told here and there and certainly not to be forced upon others. » more

Srila Puri Maharaja's Pranama Mantra

Oct 12 2018 - Krishna Talk 218
Uddhava said the gopis were the greatest devotees of Krsna. Similarly, in his adult life, Srila Puri Maharaja carried the message of krsna-bhakti to the world. » more

Srila Prabhupada – in a Class by Himself…?

Sep 4 2018 - Krishna Talk 217
He is not in a class by himself – he is in the top class of the servants of the Lord, who live eternally in the Lord’s company » more

Sri Sri Radha-Krsna – The Fountainhead of All Tattvas

Sep 2 2018 - Krishna Talk 216
Just as Sri Krsna is the universal father, Sri Radha is the universal mother. Both of them are fundamentally the same. » more

The Removal of Anarthas

Aug 17 2018 - Krishna Talk 215
From Prakrta-rasa Sata-dusini by Sarasvati Thakura, with commentary by Swami B.G. Narasingha. » more

Hard as a Thunderbolt, Soft as a Flower

Jul 31 2018 - Krishna Talk 214
Swami Sadananda was the first western adherent to Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy in the 20th century. He traveled to India and became an initiated disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. » more

Big Fish in a Small Pond

Jun 16 2018 - Krishna Talk 213
If Srila Tirtha Maharaja had actually accepted our Guru Maharaja’s request back in 1965, then there would be no ISKCON! » more

My Diksa & Siksa-Gurus

Jun 13 2018 - Krishna Talk 212
I received hari-nama from Srila B.P. Puri Maharaja, gayatri from Srila B.R. Sridhara Maharaja and sannyasa from Srila Prabhupada » more


Jun 10 2018 - Krishna Talk 211
«Кому я служу? Находясь под чьей ашрайей (защитой), я читаю и слушаю хари-катху?» Чтение шастр без ашрайи нашего гуру является поиском знаний и не увеличивает бхакти. » more


Jun 10 2018 - Krishna Talk 211
“Who am I serving? Under who's asraya am I reading and hearing hari-katha?” Reading sastra without asraya of our guru is knowledge-seeking » more

Jivas and the Desire of Krsna

Jun 9 2018 - Krishna Talk 210
We have to earn our position in Vaikuntha by a life or even lifetimes of devotion, purifying ourselves through volumes of service. » more

Diksa & Siksa

Jun 7 2018 - Krishna Talk 209
There are probably 100 initiating gurus in the Hare Krsna movement, but a vast majority of them are simply institutional gurus » more