
Krishna with the Gopis

Our Approach to the Higher Plane

Not to minimise the rāsa-līla of Kṛṣṇa, but one should not jump over all that Kṛṣṇa has said, and all that Kṛṣṇa has done, and arrive at the most esoteric part of Kṛṣṇa's līla. If one does this, then one will face problems and even possible destruction.
Pilgrims at Kumbha Mela

The Greatest Gift - Part 2

We are very far from the Infinite, yet the simple process of chanting His Holy Name, which is non-different from the Lord Himself, allows us to touch His essence, to experience a closeness with Him and His wonderful pastimes.

On Hankering and Satisfaction

Don't feel satisfied, try to feel an increased necessity. Within this hankering comes the feeling of fulfillment also. Just fulfillment, as it stands alone, is not in our favor. It will not bring us and keep us in touch with the devotees in this life. It will not enable us to substantially remain in touch with our guru after he departs from this world.

The Greatest Gift - Part 1

Devotional life or Bhakti-yoga is a science which follows very exact guidelines — which are both very easy to follow and at the same time difficult for many, because their feet may be firmly rooted in material desires and sinful activities. Yet the Holy Name chanted purely will pull them out of the muck and propel them into an eternal life of sat, cit and ananda — an eternal life full of knowledge and great pleasure.

Keeping the Vision

By the constant process of hearing, chanting and associating we will grow more and more to that more substantial plane where faith is the most important thing and where we find ourselves always in the position of surrender and catching everything coming from above instead of just struggling up the ladder.

The Vision of Govindaji Gardens

You've come here to put to practice what you read about in Śrīla Śrīdhara Mahāraj's books and Śrīla Puri Mahāraj's and in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books. That's the reason you've come here, to put it into practice. To live it. To become a deep thinker. To try to enter into the substantial realm of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.