jaya jaya gurudeva! ācārya praṇāma!
śrī bhaktigaurava swāmī narasiṅgha nāma
All glories! All glories! to Śrīla Gurudeva, whose name is Śrī Bhaktigaurava Narasiṅgha Mahārāja. O Ācārya, I pay my respects unto your lotus feet.
parama karuṇa sindhu, patita pāvana
gaura prema dānapara, mādhava parāṇa
You are an ocean of mercy, and purifier of the fallen souls. As a liberal distributor of the love of Mahāprabhu Śrī Caitanya, you are surely the very life of Śrī Mādhava.
tomāra caritra satya, divya guṇa dhāma
dekhiya sabāra mane sphūre kṛṣṇa nāma
Your character is forthright and an abode of all divine qualities. Just by seeing you everyone is inspired to chant the holy name of Kṛṣṇa.
praphullita mukha-padma, bhavya aṅga jyoti
karuṇa-kaṭākṣa, dhīra, siṁha padagati
Your face is like a fully blossoming lotus flower, and your bodily hue is very auspicious. Your glance is full of mercy, you are fully self-controlled, and your gait is just like that of a lion.
tilaka lalāṭe shobhe, hāthe japamāla
abhaya tridaṇḍi nyāsi, pāśaṇḍīra kāla
Your forehead is graced with the auspicious mark of tilaka, and your hands are holding chanting-beads made of Tulasi. You are a fearless tridaṇḍī sannyāsī, and verily the subjugator of the atheists, as the death of all their mis-conceptions.
ghora kaliyuge bhakti-pracāre nirata
prabhupāda-pāda-padma seve avirata
You are a fearless preacher of the conceptions of unalloyed devotion in this advanced age of Kali. In this way you are continuously engaged in serving the lotus-feet of Śrīla Prabhupāda.
prabhupāda śiṣyabara, śrīdhara kiṅkara
puri manobhīṣtha pūrṇa karite tatpara
You are the foremost disciple of Śrīla Prabhupāda, a dear servant of Śrīla Śrīdhara Mahāraja, and earnestly devoted to fulfill the innermost desires of Śrīla Purī Mahārāja.
sārasvata su-siddhānta viveka prakāśa
aprākṛta rāga-patha gaurava nivāsa
You shine forth the divine wisdom of devotional conlusions of the Sārasvata lineage coming down from Śrīla Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda. In this way, you are the very abode of divine dignity for the supramundane path of spontaneous devotion.
saba bhakta jana tava paronnata saṅge
rūpānuga-bhakti pāya hṛday āntaraṅge
In your transcendentally advanced association, all the fortunate devotees receive in the innermost core of their hearts the inspiration to serve in the line of Srīla Rūpa Goswāmī.
braje rādhā-dāmodare viraha bhajana
gambhīra viśrambhe kare gurura sevana
In Vṛndāvana, at the holy temple of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Dāmodara, you are absorbed in the mood of separation from the divine couple and their intimate associates. In a grave mood of profound intimacy you fully serve your Guru, Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda.
govinda vanete rādha-govindera pāsa
prabhu padāśraye kare govardhana-vāsa
Always close to your dearmost divine couple Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Govinda, Who are served in the pleasure groves of Govinda (or Govindajī Gardens), you eternally reside at Govardhana hill taking shelter of the Lord’s lotus-feet (or Prabhupāda’s shelter).
jaya jaya jagadguru! jagata pāvana!
tava dāsa sukhe gaye ārati stavana
All glories! All glories! to Śrīla Jagadguru Svāmī, who is the sanctifier of the whole universe. In great happiness, your lowly servant sings your glorious ārāti song.