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Sri Gaura ki Vastu? (Who is Sri Gaura?)

Mar 4 2015 - Krishna Talk 189
The consciousness of a jiva, drowned by the filth of Mayavada, cannot pervert Gaura's name, quality or activities... » more

Sri Nityananda Dvadasakam (Twelve Prayers in Praise of Lord Nityananda)

Feb 1 2015 - Krishna Talk 188
On the occasion of Nityananda Trayodasi, we present twelve prayers glorifying Lord Nityananda, composed by Srila Sridhara Maharaja. » more

Topics in Praise of Sri Ganga-Devi (Sri Sri Ganga-devir-mahatmya Visaye Arthavada)

Dec 4 2014 - Krishna Talk 187
Only those who are most fortunate can realize the supreme qualities of Ganga. » more

Sri Sri Sarasvati Samlapa (A Discourse With Sarasvati Thakura)

Oct 2 2014 - Krishna Talk 186
If we remain apathetic to the teachings of Sri Caitanya, then we will enthrone Satan as a devotee of Caitanya or even as Caitanya Himself. » more

The Secret of the Destruction of Devaki’s Six Unborn Children

Aug 16 2014 - Krishna Talk 185
How is it possible that six mundane children could enter the womb of Devaki, who is the personification of pure goodness? » more

The Highest Attainment and Present Adjustment

Jul 26 2014 - Krishna Talk 184
Maximum happiness is of course the goal of life. But people are seen to strive after different objects for the same. » more

What Have You Got to Lose?

Jul 4 2014 - Krishna Talk 183
When the hazy conception of brahma-jijnasa takes a definite shape, it is krsnanusandhana – the search for Sri Krsna. » more

Srimad Bhaktivinoda-viraha-dasakam

Jun 26 2014 - Krishna Talk 182
On the eve of Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda's disappearance, we present 'Sri Bhaktivinoda Viraha-Dvadasakam'. » more

Can the Guru Make Mistakes?

May 30 2014 - Krishna Talk 181
There is a danger for the disciple if he considers the so-called mistakes of his guru to arise from the conditioning of the three modes of material nature. » more

Может ли Гуру Совершать Ошибки?

May 30 2014 - Krishna Talk 181
Для ученика опасно считать так называемые ошибки своего гуру проистекающими из обусловленности тремя модусами материальной природы. » more

Dharma and the Modern World

Mar 28 2014 - Krishna Talk 180
Nowadays many respectable, educated people assemble and cultivate hopes of establishing an egalitarian and universal dharma. » more

Agun Jalbe

Mar 15 2014 - Krishna Talk 179
Even if you have not become a perfected sadhaka, you should still preach about the Holy Name of Krsna. » more

Sri Guru Tattva and the Secret of Diksa (Part 3)

Feb 20 2014 - Krishna Talk 178
If one wants to attain real pleasure by removing displeasure, then the mind is to be destroyed. » more

Sri Guru-Tattva and the Secret of Diksa (Part 2)

Feb 10 2014 - Krishna Talk 177
Maintaining a mundane mentality and the mentality of being a guru, results in a mentality that leads us to hell. » more

Sri Guru-Tattva and the Secret of Diksa (Part 1)

Jan 29 2014 - Krishna Talk 176
One will never attain the mercy of Krsna if he tries to gratify and serve his wife, friend, servant etc. instead of Krsna. » more

Ачарии в Храме Шри Шри Радха-дамодара, Врндаван

Jan 12 2014 - Krishna Talk 175
В этой статье «Ачарии в храме Шри Шри Радха-Дамодара, Врндаван» из цикла Беседы о Кршне 2014 года, Шрила Нарасингха Махарадж объясняет важность храма Шри Шри Радха-Дамодара, в отношении различных ачариев, которые там жили, включая Шрилу А. Ч. Бхактиведанту Свами Прабхупаду. » more

Acaryas at Sri Sri Radha-Damodara Temple, Vrindavana

Jan 12 2014 - Krishna Talk 175
Contrary to the beliefs and speculations of some narrow-minded and unrealized persons, these statements are true to the smallest detail. » more

Rupanuga Bhajana

Dec 12 2013 - Krishna Talk 174
We have to conduct ourselves in such a way that naturally we can connect with that highest, purest spiritual conception from here. » more

Religiosity – Real and Apparent

Dec 4 2013 - Krishna Talk 173
Real religion remains in dormant condition when artificial religion dominates over the mental plane. » more

Planets of Faith

Nov 14 2013 - Krishna Talk 172
Sraddha, faith proper, is the instrument to understand and to know the higher subjective realm. » more