Mahaprabhura Siksa

Mahaprabhura Siksa

"The first topic concerns the nature of proof (pramana). The next seven topics concern the sambandha which is ascertained in the Vedas. The ninth topic concerns the abhidheya or means. The tenth topic concerns the goal or prayojana. If the topics are divided into two groups - source of knowledge (pramana) and what is proven by the source of knowledge (prameya), the first topic is pramana and the rest are prameya. Among the sambandha topics the first three define Krsna and the next three define the jiva. The seventh sambandha topic deals with the relation between the jiva and Krsna, inconceivable difference and non-difference. Please concentrate on each of these topics as they are discussed." (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)