Topic: Vaisnava Sampradayas

Śrī Guru Ārati

All glories! All glories! to Śrīla Gurudeva, whose name is Śrī Bhaktigaurava Narasiṅgha Mahārāja. O Ācārya, I pay my respects unto your lotus feet. You are an ocean of mercy, and purifier of the fallen souls. As a liberal distributor of the love of Mahāprabhu Śrī Caitanya, you are surely the very life of Śrī Mādhava. Your character is forthright and an abode of all divine qualities. Just by seeing you everyone is inspired to chant the holy name of Kṛṣṇa.
Ramanuja Acarya

Ramanuja and the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya

Ramanuja presented the living entities' relationship with Godhead as being one of eternal service. According to Ramanuja, when the living entities are freed from the illusions produced by the material energy by the method of devotion and natural love of God-like the dealings between an affectionate servant and his master—then the soul enters the spiritual sky known as Vaikuntha.

Tattvavada & Gaudiya Siddhanta

The contents of this webpage are in response to a group of young men claiming to be the followers of Sri Madhvacarya who recently challenged the siddhanta of the Gaudiya sampradaya. Many of their points simply stem from lack of knowledge of the Gaudiya siddhanta, whilst other arguments appear to stem more from the fundamental defects of conditioned souls, such as malice and envy.