Writings: Articles

Krsna – The Supreme Vedantist

Sep 18 2013 - Krishna Talk 165
In the Gita Sri Krsna has asserted that He is the original compiler of Vedanta philosophy and therefore He is the Supreme Master of it. » more

Gitara Janma-rahasya

Sep 9 2013 - Krishna Talk 164
By preaching the devotional processes of hearing and chanting, I establish the jiva’s eternal constitutional position. » more

The Unique Contributions of Srila Sridhara Maharaja

Aug 5 2013 - Krishna Talk 163
The glories of Srila Sridhara Maharaja are many and they are all deep like an ocean of transcendental nectar. » more

Vaisnava Ninda

Jul 7 2013 - Krishna Talk 161
Discussing the faults of a Vaisnava without a virtuous intention results in vaisnava-aparadha. » more

The Appearance of Srila Gadadhara Pandita

May 8 2013 - Krishna Talk 160
Srila B.R. Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja discusses the unique position of Srila Gadadhara Pandita. » more

UFO – Je tam někdo?

Apr 14 2013 - Krishna Talk 159
Ale pokud existuje inteligentní život na jiných planetách (a možná i inteligentnější než ten náš), navštívily tyto inteligentní bytosti již někdy naši planetu? Mnoho lidí věří, že ano. » more

UFOs – Is Anyone Out There?

Apr 14 2013 - Krishna Talk 159
Have intelligent beings visited our planet before? Many people believe they have. » more

Mahaprabhu as Rasaraja-Mahabhava

Mar 26 2013 - Krishna Talk 158
On the basis of the identity if Sri Krsna Caitanya given in the sastra and sung by the acaryas, it is Sri Caitanya alone who is properly known as ‘Mahaprabhu.’ » more

Nuestra perspectiva es a través de Gaura-Lila

Mar 22 2013 - Krishna Talk 156
Para nosotros, gaura-lila es más útil porque nuestra perspectiva está ahí. Solo a través de Mahaprabhu podemos tener acceso al otro aspecto de Su lila - cuando es dado por Él, por su método dado. » more

The Case of Subhadra

Jan 9 2013 - Krishna Talk 154
"Is Subhadra Yogamaya?" The answer many of us have heard is "Yes" and rightfully so. But it is not as easy as all that. » more

Sri Saradiya Puja

Oct 21 2012 - Krishna Talk 149
On the eve of Durga Puja, we present the following article by Srila Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja, » more

Mayavada and Buddhism – Are They One and the Same?

Aug 23 2012 - Krishna Talk 146
It would seem that Sankara’s detractors were correct in assessing that his philosophy was crypto-Buddhism. » more

Otázky a odpovědi: Baladéva Tattva

Aug 1 2012 - Krishna Talk 144
Následující článek je výňatek ze setkání se Šrílou Narasinghou Maharádžem nad otázkami a odpověďmi při příležitosti Baladéva Purnimy v Góvindadží Gardens z 16. srpna 2008. » more

Greater Than the Upanisads and the Vedas

Jul 5 2012 - Krishna Talk 143
When it has come in the consciousness of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, it is not transitory. It is all eternal truth. » more

Anadi (For Advanced Philosophers)

Jun 26 2012 - Krishna Talk 142
Although it is told as anadi (beginningless), still it has got adi (a beginning) in the spiritual record. » more

Pandita Sri Gadadhara Gosvami

Apr 20 2012 - Krishna Talk 140
Amongst the dear associates of Sri Gauranga, Sri Gadadhara Gosvami is the topmost. » more

Pět přikázání Šrí Čaitanji Maháprabhua

Mar 7 2012 - Krishna Talk 138
Existuje správný způsob, jak rozvíjet vědomí Kršny, a existuje správná linie. Musíme pochopit, co to znamená. » more


Feb 24 2012 - Krishna Talk 137
Whoever feels pleasure at the distress of others can never display mercy to the jivas. » more

What is an Asrama?

Jan 1 2012 - Krishna Talk 136
An asrama is not a place for that ass of a man who thinks that if God exists then He is only meant to supply the material necessities of society. » more

Ekalavya and Arjuna

Nov 23 2011 - Krishna Talk 134
The aspiration to become greater than the Vaisnavas is not devotion – it is anti-devotional. » more

Makara — Mýtus nebo skutečnost? Dinosauři ve Šrímad Bhágavatámu

Jul 10 2011 - Krishna Talk 127
Nyní vyvstává otázka – je Makara mýtické stvoření, nebo skutečné? » more

Makara — Myth or Fact? Dinosaurs in Srimad Bhagavatam

Jul 10 2011 - Krishna Talk 127
Is the Makara a mythical creature or was it actually real? » more

Todo es por la gracia de Mahaprabhu

Mar 16 2011 - Krishna Talk 123
Este día de la aparición de Mahaprabhu es un buen día para recordar que todo viene por Su gracia. Sinceramente, debemos orar por su gracia. Hay muchas oraciones y slokas que se pueden recitar para pedir las bendiciones de Mahaprabhu. » more

Everything is by Mahaprabhu’s Grace

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Mar 16 2011 - Krishna Talk 123
This appearance day of Mahaprabhu is a good day to remember that everything comes by His grace. We should sincerely pray for His grace. » more

Crows and Eagles

Mar 2 2011 - Krishna Talk 122
Even though perched on the pinnacle of a palace, can a crow become Garuda? » more