Writings: Articles

The Disappearance of Srila Sridhara Maharaja

Jul 22 2017 - Krishna Talk 198
Today we are also immersed in an ocean of sorrow after losing one of the most worshippable associates of Prabhupada. His position cannot be filled in any way. » more

Řeka Sindhu - Jak Indie získala své jméno

Apr 17 2017 - Krishna Talk 197
Řeka Sindhu je jednou z velkých svatých řek Indie a je od ní odvozeno i jméno Indie. » more

The Sindhu River – How India Got Her Name

Sindhu river
Apr 17 2017 - Krishna Talk 197
The Sindhu River is one of the great holy rivers of India, from which the name of India is derived. » more

The Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu – the Golden Avatara. The Advent of the Holy Name and the Sankirtana Movement

Mar 10 2017 - Krishna Talk 196
The following is a compendium of verses and quotes about the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the advent of the Holy Name and the Sankirtana Movement, compiled by Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja. » more

The Position of The Bhagavata Amongst Religious Scriptures

Aug 14 2015 - Krishna Talk 191
There are more than a thousand philosophies known as ‘dharma’ present in this world, but they are not of equal value. » more

Sri Gaura ki Vastu? (Who is Sri Gaura?)

Mar 4 2015 - Krishna Talk 189
The consciousness of a jiva, drowned by the filth of Mayavada, cannot pervert Gaura's name, quality or activities... » more

Topics in Praise of Sri Ganga-Devi (Sri Sri Ganga-devir-mahatmya Visaye Arthavada)

Dec 4 2014 - Krishna Talk 187
Only those who are most fortunate can realize the supreme qualities of Ganga. » more

The Secret of the Destruction of Devaki’s Six Unborn Children

Aug 16 2014 - Krishna Talk 185
How is it possible that six mundane children could enter the womb of Devaki, who is the personification of pure goodness? » more

The Highest Attainment and Present Adjustment

Jul 26 2014 - Krishna Talk 184
Maximum happiness is of course the goal of life. But people are seen to strive after different objects for the same. » more

What Have You Got to Lose?

Jul 4 2014 - Krishna Talk 183
When the hazy conception of brahma-jijnasa takes a definite shape, it is krsnanusandhana – the search for Sri Krsna. » more

Может ли Гуру Совершать Ошибки?

May 30 2014 - Krishna Talk 181
Для ученика опасно считать так называемые ошибки своего гуру проистекающими из обусловленности тремя модусами материальной природы. » more

Může Guru dělat chyby?

May 30 2014 - Krishna Talk 181
Pro žáka existuje nebezpečí, pokud považuje tak zvané chyby svého gurua za chyby pocházející z vlivu tří kvalit hmotné přírody. » more

Can the Guru Make Mistakes?

May 30 2014 - Krishna Talk 181
There is a danger for the disciple if he considers the so-called mistakes of his guru to arise from the conditioning of the three modes of material nature. » more

Dharma and the Modern World

Mar 28 2014 - Krishna Talk 180
Nowadays many respectable, educated people assemble and cultivate hopes of establishing an egalitarian and universal dharma. » more

Agun Jalbe

Mar 15 2014 - Krishna Talk 179
Even if you have not become a perfected sadhaka, you should still preach about the Holy Name of Krsna. » more

Ачарии в Храме Шри Шри Радха-дамодара, Врндаван

Jan 12 2014 - Krishna Talk 175
В этой статье «Ачарии в храме Шри Шри Радха-Дамодара, Врндаван» из цикла Беседы о Кршне 2014 года, Шрила Нарасингха Махарадж объясняет важность храма Шри Шри Радха-Дамодара, в отношении различных ачариев, которые там жили, включая Шрилу А. Ч. Бхактиведанту Свами Прабхупаду. » more

Acaryas at Sri Sri Radha-Damodara Temple, Vrindavana

Jan 12 2014 - Krishna Talk 175
Contrary to the beliefs and speculations of some narrow-minded and unrealized persons, these statements are true to the smallest detail. » more

Rupanuga Bhajana

Dec 12 2013 - Krishna Talk 174
We have to conduct ourselves in such a way that naturally we can connect with that highest, purest spiritual conception from here. » more

Religiosity – Real and Apparent

Dec 4 2013 - Krishna Talk 173
Real religion remains in dormant condition when artificial religion dominates over the mental plane. » more

Planetas de Fe

Nov 14 2013 - Krishna Talk 172
Sraddha, la fe propiamente dicha, es el instrumento para comprender y conocer el reino subjetivo superior. » more

Planets of Faith

Nov 14 2013 - Krishna Talk 172
Sraddha, faith proper, is the instrument to understand and to know the higher subjective realm. » more

Deva-deva Jagat-pate

Oct 31 2013 - Krishna Talk 171
One who is initiated with visnu-mantra never worships demigods to gain material benefits or solve mundane difficulties etc. » more

Oh Baba! Bolacche-re!

Oct 25 2013 - Krishna Talk 170
The following article was written by Srila Sridhara Maharaja for the Gaudiya Matha’s Dainika Nadiya Prakasa on April 18th, 1928. » more

Pilgrimage to Vrndavana-dhama

Oct 18 2013 - Krishna Talk 169
“Is my love for Krsna so great that He is bound to appear before my eyes?” Should we make Krsna the object of our eye-enjoyment? » more

Vaisnavism and Religious Equality

Oct 10 2013 - Krishna Talk 168
A religion that has not understood the fundamental nature of God does not deserve to stand next to Vaisnavism. » more