Writings: Articles

The Literalist

Oct 30 2009 - Krishna Talk 95
A literal understanding of sastra, as it seems to be regarded in some sections of the greater Vaishnava community, is looked down upon as being neophyte or simply not intellectually satisfying. Some even consider the literal understanding of sastra to be the great enemy of progressive Krsna... » more

Conqueror of All Quarters

Oct 25 2009 - Krishna Talk 94
What is necessary for this material world? The prime necessity is to change our outlook on this temporary world. The greatest example was shown for the contemporary generation by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. » more

Appearance of Radha-kunda

Oct 15 2009 - Krishna Talk 93
Thousands of devotees from across India and from around the world recently gathered in Vrndavana for Karttika and on the evening of October 11th the appearance of Radha-kunda was celebrated. In the days leading up to October 11th many devotees made their way to Radha-kunda and took a holy dip in... » more

Moderní věda a Védy

Oct 10 2009 - Krishna Talk 92
V roce 1959 byla dvěma americkým atomovým vědcům, Dr. Emillo Segreovi a Dr. Owenovi Chamberlainovi, udělena Nobelova cena za fyziku za objev antiprotonu, který dokazuje (teoreticky), že hmota existuje ve dvou formách - jako částice a její antičástice. » more

Modern Science and the Vedas

Oct 10 2009 - Krishna Talk 92
The Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for the discovery of the antiproton, demostrated that matter exists as particles and antiparticles. According to one of the fundamental assumptions of the new theory, there may exist another world, or an anti-world, built up of anti-matter. » more

Kdo vládl Indii?

Oct 3 2009 - Krishna Talk 91
„Kdo vládl Indii?“ To je velmi zajímavá otázka. Historie vlády Indie sahá až do dávného starověku a ještě dál do doby Mahábháraty (vládci jako Judhištira a Maharádž Paríkšit) a ještě dále do doby Rámájany, kdy na trůn v Ajódhji usedl Šrí Rámačandra. » more

Who Ruled India?

Oct 3 2009 - Krishna Talk 91
“Who Ruled India?” is an interesting question. The history of rule in India goes back to great antiquity, back and back to the days of the Mahabharata (emperors such as Yudhisthira and Pariksit Maharaja) and before that to the days of the Ramayana when Sri Ramacandra sat on the throne of Ayodhya. » more

In Search of Truth

Sep 26 2009 - Krishna Talk 90
Scientists have made great strides with their speculations, postulations, hypothesis and analysis of the creation or the universe we live in. Yet we see that the latest theories always seem to have some imperfections and exceptions. » more

The Ontological Position of Srila Prabhupada’s Place of Bhajana at Sri Sri Radha-Damodara Mandira

Sep 19 2009 - Krishna Talk 89
Shortly after taking sannyasa in 1959, His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada took residence at the most important temple in Vrndavana, the Sri Sri Radha-Damodara Mandira at Seva Kunja. Sri Nirmal Candra Gosvami, the present Sevaite-acarya of Radha-Damodara Mandira, who was a... » more

Timingila – Myth or Fact?

Sep 11 2009 - Krishna Talk 88
The Srimad Bhagavatam, Ramayana, Mahabharata and other Vedic literatures often speak of fantastic places and of creatures that may have once lived on this planet. One such creature was the Timingila fish. The Timingila is said to have been the most formidable predator in the oceans. It was enormous... » more

Timingila – Mýtus nebo skutečnost?

Sep 11 2009 - Krishna Talk 88
Šrímad Bhágavatám, Rámájana, Mahábhárata a další védská literatura se často zmiňují o zvláštních místech a zvláštních bytostech, které kdysi žily na této planetě. Jednou z takových bytostí je ryba Timingila. Timingila byla údajně nejhrůzostrašnějším dravcem v oceánech. Byla obrovská a její... » more


Aug 31 2009 - Krishna Talk 87
To conquer the urge of the tongue and genitals is called dhrti. Those who have become tridandis have conquered their body, mind and words. News found in periodicals is full of mundane talks. It is impossible for tridandis to read such newspapers that report topics of the illusory world (maya-katha... » more


Mar 7 2009 - Krishna Talk 86
We did not venture to enter the details of madhurya-rasa. Our Guru Maharaja did not like it. But it will come irresistibly within you, you go on, sravana kirtana. Pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. It is so high. When it will come it will awaken within you.... » more

Dawn of the Age of Love?

Feb 24 2009 - Krishna Talk 85
Numerous opinions abound about there being or not being an advent of Kalki-avatara at the end of Kali-yuga. Although Srimad Bhagavatam has mentioned the appearance of Kalki-avatara at the end of this Kali-yuga, some preachers are of the opinion that due to ‘the dawn of the age of love’ there will... » more

Satkona - Star of David or Star of Goloka?

Feb 6 2009 - Krishna Talk 84
The Star of David [in Hebrew, the Magen David or Shield of David] is renowned as the sacred symbol of the Jewish faith. Indeed, the Star of David is the distinguishing feature on the Israeli flag and as an ornament of jewelry the Star of David is proudly worn by millions of devout Jews worldwide.... » more

The Worship of Sri-Murti and Idolatry

Oct 6 2008 - Krishna Talk 83
There is a great misunderstanding in the secular and religious world and especially within the Abrahamic traditions, (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) on the question of Deity worship. The English word 'idol' is usually used when describing any worship that concentrates on likenesses of demons,... » more

La Suástica y la Cruz.

Jul 27 2008 - Krishna Talk 80
En el pensamiento popular de occidente, no pueden existir dos símbolos que estén más en desacuerdo entre sí que la suástica y la cruz. La suástica es el símbolo de los crímenes nazi contra la humanidad, y la cruz es el símbolo de bondad, la misericordia y la gracia divina. Pero, ¿y si esto no es... » more

Swastika and Cross

Jul 27 2008 - Krishna Talk 80
In popular western thinking, no two symbols could possibly be more at odds with each other than the swastika and the cross. The swastika is the symbol of Nazi war crimes against humanity and the cross is the symbol of goodness, mercy and divine grace.But what if this isn’t true? » more

The Maha Mantra

Jun 4 2008 - Krishna Talk 79
The Gaudiya conception of the maha-mantra is exclusive and stands distinct from all other sampradayas. The Gaudiya conception is exclusive in that it surpasses even the greatest expectations of the Vedas (liberation) and affords one the highest fulfillment of the ultimate goal of life. This is not... » more

Prabodhananda and Prakasananda

May 25 2008 - Krishna Talk 78
Some scholars of Gaudiya Vaisnavism claim that the associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Prabodhananda Sarasvati and the Mayavadi sannyasi Prakasananda Sarasvati are one and the same person. From the historical and sastrika perspective it is clear that Prabodhananda was never a Mayavadi sannyasi. » more

Raga-patha is Above All

May 5 2008 - Krishna Talk 77
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura composed the verse, matala hari-jana visaya range pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange, in 1930 on the occasion of moving the Deities of Sri Gaurasundara and Sri Sri Vinoda-Anandajiu from the old house at Ultadanga Junction Road to the new temple in Bagh Bazaar,... » more

Sampradayika Sannyasa

Apr 10 2008 - Krishna Talk 76
Real renunciation means to engage everything in the service of the Lord and to fix one's aspiration to serve Him with great determination -- not just simply renouncing for the sake of renouncing. If one does so, he is not actually a sannyasi. » more

Jesus as a Perfect Christian

Mar 24 2008 - Krishna Talk 75
Question: Do you think that Jesus was the example of a perfect Christian? Narasingha Maharaja: Historically and ontologically speaking, Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi who studied the Jewish scriptures [the Torah] and taught Halakha, or Jewish law, as given in the... » more

Caitanya Monks

Jan 18 2008 - Krishna Talk 74
If you accept this sannyasa-vesa, this is only favorable to the activity, but the real thing is the service. The all-important thing is the service, not the dress. The dress can help me to a certain extent to remind me, 'Oh, I am a sannyasi, I am disconnected with other branches of knowledge and... » more

More on Real Religion is Not Man Made

Jan 10 2008 - Krishna Talk 73
There is no such statement in the revealed scriptures [sastras] that Visnu/Krsna [God] reveals His teachings in many places simultaneously. When it is mentioned that religion is taught according to time, place and circumstances, then that is referring to bona-fide teachers of eternal religion like... » more