Swami B.G. Narasingha

Gaura Purnima 2003

The Following is a Class by Srila Narasingha Maharaja given at Govindaji Gardens on Gaura Purnima on 18th March 2003.

Swami BG Narasingha

Gaura Purnima

The following is a class by Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja, given on Gaura Purnima 2002 in Vermont, USA.

Swami BG Narasingha

Appearance Day of Srila Sarasvati Thakura

A class given by Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja on the occasion of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's appearance day, in Govindaji Gardens on 21st February 2003

Swami BG Narasingha

Nityananda Trayodasi

A class given by Srila BG Narasingha Maharaja on the occasion of Sri Nityananda Trayodasi at Govindaji Gardens on 15th February 2003

Swami BG Narasingha

Makara Sankranti

A class by Srila Narasingha Maharaja on Makara Sankranti given on 16th January 2002, Vermont USA.
Swami BG Narasingha


The worship of Krsna is not complete without the worship of His sakti, His energy, and Srimati Radharani is the principal energy.
Swami BG Narasingha

Gadadhara Pandita Appearance Day

Gadadhara Pandita was born on Amavasya (the dark moon night). He represents the most submissive aspect of Srimati Radharani. Those with the divine eye consider Gadadhara Pandita to be the topmost devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Swami BG Narasingha

Gaura Purnima

When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared about 520 years ago, the Holy Name also appeared with Him. Previously the Holy Name was hidden in the Vedas. Mahaprabhu has appeared along with His topmost devotee in one form.
Swami BG Narasingha

Nityananda Trayodasi

Our year begins with the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Before He appears a number of His associates also appear, such as Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu. When Bhagavan comes He comes with a big entourage, not alone, as we find so many bogus incarnations coming alone. The knowledge of our eternal relationship with Krsna, our servitude to Him is already there in a natural state.
Swami BG Narasingha

Installation Talk for Lord Jagannatha & Gaura-Gadadhara

When Lord Jagannatha is worshipped without Balarama and Subhadra He is Patita-pavana, the deliverer of the fallen. He was the principal Deity of Bhaktivinoda Thakura's ancestors for four hundred years. The worship of Lord Jagannatha along with Gaura-Gadadhara represents a very special conception.
Swami BG Narasingha

Srila Sridhara Maharaja Tirobhava

Glorifying the Vaisnavas brings one the greatest benefit. All suffering in the world is due to not knowing who you are (servant of God). We praise the great devotees but this does not mean we can treat the ordinary devotees roughly. Without association of devotees our creeper will not grow properly. The last section of the lecture is about the wealth of Srila Sridhara Maharaja.
Swami BG Narasingha