Swami B.G. Narasingha

The Holy Name

A lecture on Srila Sridhara Maharaja's purport to the first verse of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Siksastakam, glorifying the Holy Name of Krsna and it's potency.

Swami BG Narasingha

What is wrong with that mantra?

Nitai-Gaura Radhe-Syama, japa... Their idea is that Srimati Radharani is Lord Nityananda. The improper conception of a mantra brings a bad taste. According to ones' conception, the mantra will take you in that direction. If we have no conception of what we are doing or what is our goal we will not go far.
Swami BG Narasingha

Bhag. 1.2.5 — What is the Goal

This material world is not created as a place of enjoyment. Engaging in devotional service while maintaining impurities is not pleasing to Krsna. All that we do is simply to awaken a feeling of prema within our heart.
Swami BG Narasingha

Class from Follow the Angels

From adau sraddha to prema, faith guides us to saranagati (surrender). We must recognize our own self-deception before we can really surrender to Krsna. Our independence spoils the mood of surrender.
Swami BG Narasingha

Gaura Purnima

The hidden avatara of Kali-yuga (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) appears as a devotee to fulfill two purposes. The first purpose is to spread nama-sankritana. Mahaprabhu: Maha means mahabhava (Radharani) and prabhu means Krsna.
Swami BG Narasingha