Qualifications for Kirtan
Ecstatic Kirtan or Maya Kirtan? The standard of kirtan, dancing and the use of musical instruments in performing Sankirtan of the Holy Name of Krishna according to our previous acharyas.
Debunking claims that Prabhupada cheated his disciples when he gave them Gayatri-mantras via a cassette recording.
A questions and answers session with guests in Vermont, USA, on December 9th 2018.
A history of the BTG from its beginning days in 1944 to its pinnacle of distribution of 4.6 million copies in 1978 to its sudden demise in 1982.
Did Srila Prabhupada appear to suffer so his disciples and followers could be free from suffering and be free to chant Hare Krishna?
Looking at and discussing the Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Zoroastrian influences in the modern Hare Krishna Movement.