(In remembrance of Srila Gadadhara Pandita's disappearance we present this Bengali poem composed by Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Gosvami Maharaja which was first published in The Gaudiya, Vol.1, Issue 7. June 1950)
Sri Srila Gadadhara Pandita Gosvami Prabhu
Tirobhava Upalaksa Sucika
(A Prayer Composed on the Occasion of the Disappearance of Srila Gadadhara Pandita)
gaura-sakti gadadhara, gaura-preme gara-gara
‘prana-natha’–virahe katana
bhase buka ankhinire, sada ha hutasa kare
sunyayita dekhe caracara
Gadadhara, the potency of Gaura, is immersed in love for Gauranga. He feels great separation from the Lord of his life. Due to this, his heart is flooded with tears from his eyes and he continuously laments, seeing the entire world as vacant.
‘pratijnabhange’ seva-tyaga, ei dui dosa bhak
haiyechila yanhara premabhare
tahara viccheda vyatha,
sahite sakati kotha smaritei parana vidare
He broke his promise and renounced his service – these two faults happened on the strength of his intense love for the Lord. Where is the strength to bear such agony of separation? Just by remembering it the heart feels pain.
gaurangera-nija sakti, radha-bhava murtimati
pandita sri gadadhara prabhu
amanisara andhakare, dubaiya sabakare
nitya-lila pravesila vibhu
Pandita Sri Gadadhara Prabhu is Sri Gauranga’s own potency and the very personification of radha-bhava. His effulgence has now entered into the eternal pastimes, and everyone is immersed in the darkness of a moonless night.
nidrahare yatna nai, sada kahe kanaha yai
kanaha pai gauranga-sundare
ekhano nilaja prani, kena rahe, nahi jani
keba sukha cahe bhunjivare
Neglecting sleep and food, he constantly laments, “Where can I find Gauranga-sundara? Still this shameless living being is still surviving – why I don’t know. What happiness does he wish to taste?”
ksane ksane murcha yaya, haila pagalera praya
bakse sire kare karaghata
ki dose amare natha, sanga haite dila vada
kena more nahi nila satha
At every instant he is swooning and has become almost mad, beating his own chest and head crying, “O my Lord, due to what fault did You remove me from Your association? Why did You not take me with You?”
kiba bale, kiba kare, kiba cahe cahe phire
ke varne se divyanmada tanara
gadadhara anugata, haiyache yanara cita
tinha bujhe kichu marma ta’ra
Whatever he does, whatever he says, wherever he moves about and looks around – who can describe his divine madness? Only one whose heart is surrendered to Sri Gadadhara can understand a fragment of its essence.
bhagavata-slokaksara, caksu-jala nirantara
bhasaite premonmata hajna
suni’ gadaira pata, gaurangera prema-nata
sukhe purna gopinatha hiya
Tears from his eyes constantly cover the verses of the Bhagavata, due to his state of divine madness arising out of prema. Hearing Gadadhara’s recitation about the loving pastimes of Gauranga, Sri Tota-Gopinatha is completely filled with happiness.
premonmata srinivasa, asi’ gadadhara pasa
nirakhila yabe punkhikhani
kandiya akula haila, puna˙ puna˙ alingila
maha-prema-ratnakara jani
Srinivasa Acarya, mad with divine love, came to the side of Sri Gadadhara Pandita; when he saw the sacred texts, he wept incessantly and again and again embraced him, knowing him to be a great ocean of divine love.
hena prema-nidhi gadai, yanhara tulana nai
saksat yei radha-thakurani
tinha more kaile k®pa, jani’ guru-gaura-seva
nama-prema-dhane ha’ba dhani
Gadai is such an incomparable ocean of prema. He is Radha Thakurani Herself. If you are merciful unto me, then I will realize the service of Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga. I will be enriched by the wealth of the love of Holy Name.
bahya vesa bhusa heri’ vaisnava cinite nari, –
sikhaila adarsa acari
pundarika-sthane bhiksa, kari nila mantra-diksa
yaha suni aparadha tari
One cannot recognize a Vaisnava by his external appearance and dress – as an acarya, he taught us this by his own example and begged to receive mantra-diksa from Srila Pundarika Vidyanidhi. By hearing this pastime, one can be rid of offences.
gadaira gaura-prema, yena jambu-nada hema
ki bujhiba muni arvacina
visaye-asakta cita, kama-krodhe sada hata
k®snendriya-priti-vanca hina
The gaura-prema of Gadai is like that of the Jambu River that flows through Jambudvipa. What can I understand with my immature intellect? My mind is attached to material possessions; it is always being deceived by lust and anger and it is devoid of any desire to please Krsna’s senses.
gopinatha padmasane, basi ratna-singhasane
yanara seva layena satata
hena gadadhara seva, na karile nisi diba
bala kise hibeka hita
Tota-Gopinatha, sitting in padmasana on a jeweled throne, is always accepting the service of Sri Gadadhara. If one does not serve Gadadhara day and night, what else will give any benefit?
gadhadhara-prana-natha, hana mora gopinatha
gadai-krpaya tanare pai
tinha krpa kaile more, gopinatha care phire
tinha vinu ara gati nai
The Lord of Gadadhara’s life is my Gopinatha. By the mercy of Gadai, one can attain Him. O Gadadhara, if you show mercy to me, Gopinatha will look towards me. Without you, there is no hope.
gadai-gauranga jaya radha-gopinatha
krpa kari e adhame kara atma-sata
All glories to Gaura-Gadadhara and Radha-Gopinatha. Please be merciful to me and accept this fallen soul as Your own.