Jagannatha & Gaura-Gadadhara Aratika

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Sri Jagannatha Svami/Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara Mangala Arati

jaya jaya jagannatha megha-syama-varna
gopi-jana-vallabha madhava-abhinna (1)

"All glories, all glories to Lord Jagannatha, Whose complexion is that of a dark rain-cloud and Who is Lord Krsna Himself."

jaya jaya jagannatha divya-guna vasa
sindhu-tira-nilacale adbhuta-vilasa (2)

"All glories, all glories to Lord Jagannatha, who is the abode of transcendental qualities, who resides eternally in Nilacala exhibiting wonderful pastimes."

jaya jaya jagannatha svananda vibhore
ksiroda-sagara-tate ratha-lila kore (3)

"All glories, all glories to Lord Jagannatha, Who is absorbed in His own ecstasy (vipralambha-bhava), Who performs the pastimes of ratha-yatra on the shore of the milk ocean."

jaya jaya mahaprabhu sri gaura-sundar
radhika-varna-bahira sri krsna antar (4)

"All glories, all glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Who is known as Gauranga-sundara, Whose external complexion is golden like Srimati Radharani, but Who is Krsna within."

jaya jaya gadadhara maha-bhagavata
vrsabhanu-suta-bhava dyuti su-valita (5)

"All glories, all glories to Sri Gadadhara, who is the greatest devotee (of Mahaprabhu) and who is the entire wealth of the feelings, sentiment, mood and luster of Sri Radhika, the daughter of King Vrsabhanu."

jaya jaya jagannatha gaura-gadadhara
ei tina-prabhu sada mora-prana-dhara (6)

"All glories, all glories to Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya and Sri Gadadhara. These three Lords are my only shelter. These Lords are the very life of my life."

jagannatha-svami nayana-patha gami
nayana-patha gami bhavatu me

"O Jagannatha, O Lord of the universe, please be present before my eyes."