Topic: Miscellaneous

Virāṭ-rūpa — The Universal Form

In this article we shall learn more about the ontology of the virāṭ-rūpa as a non-eternal material form superimposed on the spiritual form of the Lord, the subjective nature of the vision of virāṭ, and the special type of divine eyes (divya cakṣu) required to view it, the nature of worship of the virāṭ-rūpa, who worships it, and how it is different than the worship of the śrī-mūrti that represents the eternal forms of the Supreme Lord.

The Vision of Govindaji Gardens

You've come here to put to practice what you read about in Śrīla Śrīdhara Mahāraj's books and Śrīla Puri Mahāraj's and in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books. That's the reason you've come here, to put it into practice. To live it. To become a deep thinker. To try to enter into the substantial realm of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Sri Krsna Janmastami

 Not only is the story of Krsna the oldest,  it is the original basis of many religious stories told in Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and many other different religions around the world.

What is an Asrama?

An asrama is not a place for that ass of a man who thinks that if God exists then He is only meant to supply the material necessities of society.


Yamuna Bridge Construction

As many of you may already know, there is a very unsightly bypass bridge being built over the Yamuna River in Vrindavana in the area of Kesighat. This government undertaking is disturbing the beauty and sanctity of Kesighat. Furthermore it seems that the construction is actually illegal but the government officials concerned have taken up the project anyway.

Modern Education or Mass Execution

In today’s world, education can be defined as the systematic distribution or the reception of knowledge in society, which is viewed from various perspectives based upon cultural values, language, people and religion. In periods of social transition, education becomes central to our future well-being. Therefore, the shaping of education is the shaping of generations and society