Krishna Talk

Is Sannyasa Forbidden in Kali Yuga?

Nov 27 2002 - Krishna Talk 34
Some time ago, a sannyasi who could not maintain his vows of renunciation wrote an apologetic letter on the internet addressed to his disciples and friends wherein he explained the numerous reasons why he could not continue in the renounced order of life. In order to excuse his weakness, the... » more

The disciples mentality (Art of Sadhana - Ch XV)

Aug 17 2002 - Krishna Talk 33
The primary characteristic of a disciple who has received initiation and direction in the practice of worship from his spiritual master is visrambha, an honest desire for faithful and loving service to the spiritual master, the Vaishnavas and the Supreme Lord. The secondary characteristic is... » more

Ativadi Apa-sampradaya

Jul 8 2002 - Krishna Talk 32
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura has written that there were thirteen apa-sampradayas that developed after the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One of these apa-sampradayas is called ativadi, which means too great. Can you please explain how those who are ‘too great’ have become an apa-sampradaya? » more

The internal meaning of rathayatra and nama-bhajana: Part 2

Jul 19 2002 - Krishna Talk 31
One has to first engage in hearing the Names of the Lord so that the mind and intelligence are purified. After this one can begin hearing about Krsna's form through which one's qualifications to visualize it becomes possible. » more

The internal meaning of rathayatra and nama-bhajana: Part 1

Jul 19 2002 - Krishna Talk 30
Now today, after so long, there is a solar-eclipse here in Kuruksetra. It is as though a great holiday is taking place in our country. It has been so long since there has been a solar-eclipse. All this royalty has come to Kuruksetra on this occasion looking to fulfill their innumerable material... » more

Nityananda Avadhuta

Jun 24 2002 - Krishna Talk 29
It has been stated by some persons who claim to follow the pure line of devotion presented by Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakura, that Sri Nityananda Prabhu was a sannyasi who later gave up His sannyasa and married the two daughters of Surya Vipra. Is this a fact? » more

Go Deeper

Jun 6 2002 - Krishna Talk 28
There is a lot of history to our parampara. We cannot simply speak substantially on topics of Krsna Consciousness according to our whim, because it is always under lock and key. The keeper of the key is above us. According to His wish, a dumb man can eloquently speak the Vedas, or a blind... » more

Love of God is Dormant in the Heart of the Jiva

Apr 20 2002 - Krishna Talk 27
I have some doubt about Bhaktivinoda Thakura's explanation of the jiva. I would be very grateful if you could please enlighten me on this subject. » more

Любовь к Богу дремлет в сердце Дживы

Apr 20 2002 - Krishna Talk 27
Я немного сомневаюсь в объяснении дживы данном Бхактивинодой Тхакуром. Пожалуйста, я буду очень признателен, если Вы просветите меня по этому поводу. » more

Sridhara Deva Gosvami

Apr 9 2002 - Krishna Talk 26
There has been some discussion on the use of the honorific title 'Deva' as in the name of Srila B.R. Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja, to the extent that some parties say that it is appropriate, while others say that it is not. Could you please say something that would shed some light on this... » more


Mar 30 2002 - Krishna Talk 25
We have heard it said that Srila Prabhupada (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja) received the name "Bhaktivedanta" from his guru, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Others have said that he received the name "Bhaktivedanta" from Srila Sridhara Maharaja and yet others... » more

To Be a Servant

Mar 30 2002 - Krishna Talk 24
The truth should be spoken in a straightforward way, so that it will benefit others. I have heard that, in the greater Krsna consciousness movement, certain women clamor to be called Prabhu. Actually, all devotees are called Prabhu, but a real devotee clamors, "Call me your servant, call... » more

This Sankirtana Movement Is the Lila of Mahaprabhu

Mar 30 2002 - Krishna Talk 23
If you were to examine the list of personalities in the Caitanya Sarasvata Parampara, our Parampara, who would you find? Who is in the sankirtana movement? Who is Mahaprabhu? Who is Gadadhara; who are all these personalities? Then you would come to the six Goswamis; who are they? » more

We Are Suddha Saktas

Aug 20 2001 - Krishna Talk 22
Once we counted Raghunatha Dasa Goswami’s gurus, and we found that he had nine gurus. So then the question is, “Which one of his gurus is most important?” » more


May 22 2001 - Krishna Talk 19
Several months ago we wrote an article called, "Hearing from A Rasika Acarya" wherein we put great emphasis on the qualifications of the person who hears Hari-katha of a confidential nature. Our emphasis was on anartha-nivrtti, overcoming mundane impediments in the heart: first deserve, then desire... » more

The Standard for Higher Lila

May 3 2001 - Krishna Talk 18
In the recent controversies amongst some of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas, those who present isolated and unusual examples of preaching as the rule, rather than as the exception to the proper Gaudiya conception, have simply increased the level of confusion. In particular the subject of the necessity of... » more

Vraja Bhava

Apr 6 2001 - Krishna Talk 17
I was recently invited to a program in Eugene, Oregon where it was said that the program would be in "vraja-bhava" so I was wondering how special is vraja-bhava and how does one actually attain it? When I went to the program there were various Hindi bhajans that I had never heard before and also... » more

Sri Gaura Purnima Celebrations at Govindaji Gardens

Mar 15 2001 - Krishna Talk 16
Sri Gaura Jayanti, the holy appearance of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu was celebrated at Govindaji Gardens, Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha on Friday 8th March. The program began quietly in the morning with a class on the advent of Mahaprabhu given by Srila Narasingha Maharaja. » more

Nityananda Avirbhava Maha-mahotsava

Feb 11 2001 - Krishna Talk 15
The devotees began preparations for the festival a day before. Many of the devotees were busily engaged in cooking, while other devotees decorated the temple and yajnasala. » more

Krsna Talk: Web Site Updates

Feb 10 2001 - Krishna Talk 14
Many new additions have been added to our Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha Web Site: New ashrama photo tour, Ashrama Events (updated regularly) and Krsna Talk Article Archives... » more

My Guru is Radharani

Jan 11 2001 - Krishna Talk 13
Being an admirer of Srila Sridhara Maharaja, how do you harmonize your opinion about the rasa of your Guru Maharaja with that indicated by Srila Sridhara Maharaja? » more

His Last Instructions

Jan 3 2001 - Krishna Talk 12
Just a week prior to the departure of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura from this mortal world (Thursday, January 1, 1937, at 5:30 am) he gave many essential instructions to his disciples. These instructions were later compiled in Bengali verse by one of Sarasvati Thakura’s most affectionate... » more

Avatars in Every Species

Dec 29 2000 - Krishna Talk 11
I have a question, the answer to which should help me frame a paper I will write later this summer for an interfaith presentation on the topic of God among us: A Catholic-Vaishnava Dialog, the Incarnation and Avatar. » more

After the Disappearance of the Guru

Dec 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 10
What are the types of disciples who become manifest after the disappearance of the guru? » more

A Brief Response to "Ratha Yatra in Navadwip"

Nov 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 9
In our original article there were some details regarding dates and such that were corrected by B. V. Madhava Maharaja in his article. I thank B. V. Madhava Maharaja for this information although these additions to our original article do not change the main issues at hand. » more

Sridhar Maharaja — "Follow the Angels" Book Announcement

Nov 1 2000 - Krishna Talk 8
Our KrsnaTalk readers will be very happy to know that the latest publication of Srila B. R. Sridhar Deva Goswami Maharaja, "Follow the Angels" is completed and off the press. » more

Have the Vedas advanced civilization?

Sep 19 2000 - Krishna Talk 7
Have the Vedas advanced civilization? If yes, how? » more

Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa

Sep 5 2000 - Krishna Talk 6
Many of the devotees that I have spoken with are very disturbed about this matter and would like to hear your explanation and clarification on this topic. Could you please explain? » more


Aug 30 2000 - Krishna Talk 5
Is a pure devotee, the guru or an acarya, omniscient? » more

Does God Exist?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
I have a friend who says that you cannot know whether God exists, because you cannot see Him, so he says it is wrong to base your life upon a guess. He also asks why devotees quote the scriptures; aren¹t they able to think for themselves? » more