
Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja

Govindaji Gardens
After Janmastami, the devotees of Govindaji Gardens celebrated Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja.

Janmastami 2011

Govindaji Gardens
Highlights of this years Sri Krsna Janmastami.

Sri Jagannatha Ratha-yatra

Govindaji Gardens
Today, the 3rd July, is the annual Jagannatha Ratha-yatra in Sri Puri-dhama. Devotees at Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha also celebrated the occasion.

Narasimha Caturdasi 2011

Govindaji Gardens
The holy appearance day of Sri Narasimha was observed by the devotees on Monday 16th May.

Gaura Purnima 2011

Govindaji Gardens
The 19th of March saw the 526th appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu which was observed by all the asrama devotees and guests.

Sivaratri 2011

Govindaji Gardens
A few photos of the recent Sivaratri program held at Govindaji Gardens on 3rd March 2011.

Nityananda Trayodasi 2011

Govindaji Gardens
The devotees at Govindaji Gardens observed the appearance day of Sri Nityananda Prabhu on the 16th of February.
Vasanta Pancami-Deities Darshan

Vasanta Pancami

Govindaji Gardens
Vasant Pancami was observed at Govindaji Gardens by dressing the Deities in a golden yellow outfit and with a special evening bhoga offering in honor of the appearances of Srimati Visnupriya Devi, Srila Pundarika Vidyanidhi, Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, Srila Raghunandana Thakura and the disappearance of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura.
Mandya Program

Mandya Program

On the eve of 28th of January 2011, our devotees from Mandya had organized a Spiritual Lecture program in Vishvakarma Prarthana Mandira hall in Mandya.

Gita Jayanti 2010

On the auspicious occasion of Srimad Bhagavad-gita Jayanti, a highly advertised preaching event was organized in Mandya by our devotees there, headed by Madhumangala Dasa and Sridhara Dasa.