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This chapter traces the course of ISKCON's activities with regard to Srila Sridhara Maharaja from when the GBC first approached Srila Sridhara Maharaja to the present. Srila Sridhara Maharaja's advice was much sought after by many prominent GBC members officially and privately, from even before the first meeting of the GBC with Srila Sridhara Maharaja in 1978 until 1982 when the GBC decided that no one in ISKCON could hear from Srila Sridhara Maharaja. The GBC repeatedly sought answers to the many important questions confronting them in the absence of Srila Prabhupada and asked Srila Sridhara Maharaja to settle the disputes or controversies that they could not settle themselves. In settling disputes, Srila Sridhara Maharaja would ask each devotee
involved what he saw as the problem and possible solution, then he would
give several sastric Many times he hinted that an all-encompassing solution would be difficult in such a grand and expansive society as ISKCON; thus his overall suggestion to the GBC was that they go forward with "fair feeling" and make adjustments as time revealed new details. His advice did not pertain so much to the details as it did to the spirit with which the mission should be conducted. At first, the GBC members openly and enthusiastically expressed their satisfaction with Srila Sridhara Maharaja's advice, but gradually the feelings of the GBC members soured when they failed to understand and embrace that which Sridhara Maharaja suggested, and confidence in their leadership waned. Eventually, the GBC saw him as a threat to their sense of authority. Their ultimate rejection of Sridhara Maharaja was not without good intention. It did however suffer from a lack of knowledge and understanding of the very spirit of spiritual life, and thus, as is the case with many well-intended roads, their course led them astray from their intention to protect the movement of Srila Prabhupada. Ironically, they themselves became the greatest nemesis to the natural progress of the mission. A mission the size and scope of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON
would be difficult to destroy. Its shear momentum at the time of Srila Prabhupada's
departure ensured its continuation for some time. With the common sense
of good management and wide-scale propaganda, such a movement was sure to
increase its numbers. Yet we would be wrong to conclude that the mere increase
in new numbers of the society is the sole barometer of its health. If such
is at the cost of veteran members becoming discouraged and leaving, progress
is questionable. Such is the case in ISKCON today,
where as devotees advance they find it difficult to find siksa Depth of inner realization is the real standard of progress, and such progress will certainly show itself in the form of regard for others, what to speak of senior Vaisnavas. It is precisely this lack of regard toward others, and advanced Vaisnavas in particular, however, that characterizes the ISKCON mission today. The vilification of Srila Sridhara Maharaja flows freely within the society even today. As recently as 1994, the GBC thwarted an effort led by several of its members to retract the resolution that banned ISKCON's members from associating with Sridhara Maharaja and any other senior Vaisnava outside of the corporate structure of the society. Yet rather than erase the resolution, they underscored it and punished those who rallied for the reform. [1] Such a bewildering turn of events are the unhappy result of vaisnava-aparadha.
The First Darsana In the spring of 1978 during the annual meeting of the GBC in Sridhama Mayapur, the GBC approached Sridhara Maharaja with questions regarding the nature of disciplic succession. They went to Srila Sridhara Maharaja following the advice of Srila Prabhupada. Sadly, Sridhara Maharaja's deep insights and generous heart were later misconstrued to be philosophically deviant and arising from evil intentions. In the following darsana, Srila Sridhara Maharaja: A disciple, he may like one-first or third or fourth or fifth [guru], how to solve that. Tamala Krsna Maharaja: That we must solve. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: According to his sraddha, Devotee: will be awakened. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: He will consider to whom he will submit. Do you follow? GBC Assembly: Yes. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: The first stage is to hear, and the second
stage, varan, Srila Sridhara Maharaja goes on to explain the difficulties that can
come to arise in the guru/godbrother, guru/disciple relationship. He said,
"the sisya Srila Sridhara Maharaja: We cannot reach a particular solution as all complete and perfect. Go with fair feeling, go on with fair feeling--this is the utmost I can suggest to you. Tamala Krsna Maharaja: Maharaja, we are so grateful. GBC Assembly: Jaya. From this darsana Srila Sridhara Maharaja: My suggestion to keep the unity is that
a person of one zone may accept a guru of another zone. Free choice by
sraddha. Srila Sridhara Maharaja brought up another point that was not well-received
by some of the eleven gurus: "new appointment of acaryas Certainly Prabhupada sought to encourage the first eleven gurus, inspiring them to rise to the occasion of the service at hand. This spirit, however, was severely lacking in the eleven gurus with respect to their regard toward the qualified godbrothers. As a result, the movement was stifled, and it was not until considerable hardship and discouragement were suffered by sincere godbrothers of the eleven gurus that in 1982 three new gurus were added. Less well-known is that this was largely due to the insistence of Srila Sridhara Maharaja, who accurately read the environment and often suggested this change. It is significant that the three new gurus immediately went to Sridhara Maharaja for his blessings. The movement sighed a breath of relief, but soon after the entire GBC rejected Sridhara Maharaja, beginning their official campaign of vilification. GBC Activities Intolerable The GBC received much valuable advice from Srila
Sridhara Maharaja, but when the many frustrated godbrothers similarly sought
advice from Srila Sridhara Maharaja, the GBC strongly
advised against it and eventually forbade it. They did this because these
godbrothers were seeking answers to the many problems of the leadership
itself: guru expansion, excessive puja, Those who did not agree completely with whatever the leaders wanted to do were made to feel left out of the mainstream of ISKCON and many times were exiled. Those who sincerely wanted answers to the many problems within ISKCON were consistently regarded as troublemakers. Disciples of Srila Prabhupada were frustrated that they had no voice. The GBC was maintaining tight control of ISKCON, refusing to expand the number of gurus, and discouraging the enthusiasm of many sincere devotees with their official policies. As a result, many devotees left ISKCON. Acarya Godbrother Relations-A Slap to the Cheek In the following transcription of the first official meeting with the GBC in 1978, Srila Sridhara Maharaja spoke about acarya relations with godbrothers:
Acarya Grandeur Many disciples of Srila Prabhupada complained to Srila Sridhara Maharaja,
from 1978 until 1985, about the excessive worship and grand arrangements
for the ISKCON gurus. In view of the many falldowns
(five GBC gurus of the original eleven), mounting frustration,
and repression of so many devotees, excessive worship became a source of
great irritation. It became even more irritating when nothing was done about
it year after year. Srila Sridhara Maharaja addressed this problem of acarya
A Fair Field Is Necessary In March of 1981 Srila Sridhara Maharaja responded to the following question of a GBC guru: Ramesvara Swami: So, I have some questions about the position of our gurus. Prabhupada named me also as one of the devotees who would begin initiating. So I have felt disturbed that the position of the gurus was raised above all of our godbrothers because of too much worship.It seems to me that many of my godbrothers, they are equal or even greater-they can give Prabhupada's teachings just as well as anyone, but they are not named as gurus, so there seems to be too much difference between them and the gurus. So this has been a big disturbance to me. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: That is a very serious question. They
are making much of the position of the acarya. If direction is not given by Swami Maharaja, there might be some signs,
some hints. But if it is not found there, then we shall have to evolve some
rules and regulations for a proper adjustment so that the mission may not
suffer. Suffer from indifference or negligence or abhorrence of the non-acarya We have a great field ahead. We must go to the length and the breadth
of this world with the banner of our Guru Maharaja, your Guru Maharaja,
and combined effort is necessary for that. We should collect all our energy,
money, men, and we must go on with the banner of our Prabhupada. For this,
unity and fairness in the field are necessary. This will strengthen the
hearts of all the members of ISKCON. In this way, you
may introduce your suggestions for reform-that such an accommodating and
dynamic program we want to have, and without doing that, we won't allow
you to end your meeting. You must come to such a conclusion and give us
such a program. Otherwise, we won't allow you to go away from this matha. Ramesvara Swami: I take it that Prabhupada is speaking to us through you. The wisdom of Srila Sridhara Maharaja's advice is further shown in the following 1980 darsana. Hearing that many godbrothers were leaving ISKCON in frustration, unable to tolerate the mismanagement of ISKCON, Sridhara Maharaja advised non-GBC disciples of Srila Prabhupada not to be rash-to "wait and see." Further, he suggested that the godbrothers should "call for a meeting." He proposed that at this meeting the grievances of the godbrothers be presented to the GBC and hopefully resolved. Excerpt from August 19, 1980 darsana: Bhakti Caru Swami (Bengali): Maharaja, the main consideration is that many of Prabhupada's disciples are leaving the movement. They are quite unable to tolerate all this nonsense anymore. The main reason we came is because there are many devotees, those who are impatiently waiting to hear what you have to say. Now, if you just show us the way. It has come to the point where unless some rectification is made, then they all will get together to do something about this. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: If I have to say something formally from outside, then I have to say that among you the person who enjoys the greatest confidence of all the devotees, through such a man you call for a meeting in America or wherever the field is the most important. And in that meeting, those who are willing to boldly face the situation participate, the gbcs, those who you feel are dissatisfied inwardly, call them and call a few acaryas who are sympathetic. And in the meeting, record the feeling of different devotees. Then, with the strength of that resolution, call for their explanation, asking, "What are you doing in the name of Prabhupada? You are not absolutely infallible. Due to your activities, the mass of the disciples of Prabhupada have become very bewildered. They are becoming very disappointed and they can see that a great loss is going to be incurred by the ISKCON society. The ISKCON society is in danger. So now, you all reconsider yourselves and appeal to them to readjust themselves, and thus this disaster can be saved. "So many devotees are leaving the movement. So many devotees have become half-dead, and so many devotees have already died. So many are lamenting, and we cannot just sit idly without trying to rectify the situation. We ourselves do not want any position, but what is going on is intolerable. It shows that the major portion is going to die. This must be thought out and accepted." So, with this idea, you form a committee, make a resolution, and then selectively invite people to come. In this way, you call for a meeting, pass a resolution, and then call for them and ask them to readjust their position and reconsider. Otherwise, we shall be in painful necessity to make progress independently. You can say this. On another occasion, Srila Sridhara Maharaja gives further advice: Srila Sridhara Maharaja: That will be fair for you, that you increase
the number of designated gurus from those who are already empowered. Those
who are empowered will extend their consideration, their scope. If you move
in this way, it will have spiritual characteristic. It should be the duty
of the godbrother not holding the position of acarya to show the disciples
how to give special regard for their gurudeva. But, the acarya Bhakti Caru Swami: But these acaryas, No, Only These Eleven Gurus In March 1981 Srila Sridhara Maharaja was told that "guru extension" was to be voted upon in that year's GBC meeting: Devotee: In Srila Prabhupada's last will he established the GBC as the supreme managing authority of ISKCON,
but with the establishment of eleven spiritual masters the situation in
the GBC has become that actually eleven people are
making the decisions and not the full governing body. So the non-acarya Srila Sridhara Maharaja: So, they are to take decision on that point in this meeting [1981 Mayapur GBC meeting], a very important meeting. Sudhira Goswami: They will. Ramesvara Maharaja has proposed on this question of the extension of the acaryaship that the GBC come to take your advice. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: I told them right at the beginning [March 1978] that this should be made into a dynamic practice so that every year during Gaura Purnima some new gurus can be added. Then the other party, the non-initiating godbrothers, will have their confidence in the initiating godbrothers and give their support to them. Otherwise, if they maintain some rigid practice [not allow other godbrothers beyond the original eleven to become initiating gurus], then the relationship will be cracked. This was my suggestion but they did not care about that. Emphatically they said, "No, only these eleven." Guru Non-extension: Injudicious, Unfortunate, and Faulty At their annual Mayapur meeting in 1981, the GBC resolved that the number of initiating gurus would not be extended for an indefinite time period. After these GBC meetings, when Srila Sridhara Maharaja was queried on his opinion regarding the resolution not to expand the number of initiating gurus in ISKCON, Srila Sridhara Maharaja said:
Srila Sridhara Maharaja repeatedly suggested for many years that the number of initiating gurus be increased. The moratorium was lifted in March 1982, when three gurus were added. More gurus were not added again until three years later in 1985, when godbrothers finally insisted on meeting with the GBC. At this meeting, it was recognized that the grandeur and excessive worship of the present gurus must be reduced and a process for guru extension implemented, as suggested for the previous seven years by Srila Sridhara Maharaja. By this time, however, the fact that such prudent advice had been offered by Sridhara Maharaja was long forgotten, if ever known by the assembly of devotees. By this time, three years of vilification of Sridhara Maharaja had saturated the consciousness of every member of the society. The GBC officially rejected Sridhara Maharaja in 1982. Events leading up to this brought out the following sentiments and instruction of Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Srila Sridhara Maharaja: My aspiration is unchanged in all these long years. I haven't changed my position. So you may convey to them that I am not the man to fight with anyone. The fight will be one-sided. Bhakti Caru Swami: They don't want to listen, Maharaja. They don't want to listen. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Then, they may go on in that way, but they will have to fight with their shadow. Isn't it? If there's no one to fight, then who will they shoot? Bhakti Caru Swami: And the thing is, they are looking at the world,
they're looking at everybody as feeling the same way they are feeling. Atmavat
manyate jagat. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, that is laudable. In the name of Swami Maharaja, let them capture the whole of the world. But at the same time, they should not banish the very Deity of their worship. If I see that they are deviating, my heart will ache. Cannot but ache. But they can't see that they are deviating, that they are neglecting their own property, their own wealth. Swami Maharaja repeatedly requested, "I have taken them all, so many raw things [inexperienced and unqualified persons], you have to look after them." Bhakti Caru Swami: And I have been seeing that for the last four years Maharaja, you have been giving them a chance. You are always taking their side. You are trying to support them. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: As far as possible. As far as possible. Bhakti Caru Swami: I remember in 1978, you wrote a letter to Tamala Krsna Maharaja, because Pradyumna and Yasodanandana Maharaja had so many complaints, and you wanted to consult with them before you gave your opinion. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: But after all, this is their finding [that they will not listen to Sridhara Maharaja's advice]. I can't help. What can I do? They should try by their combined effort to solve any problem facing their mission, and whenever they are facing any difficulty, they should refer to me. I am affectionate to them; they do not have to apprehend anything from me. I am eager to serve you, to help you, but not against the principle, that which I understand to be the truth. In that case, I would be a traitor to my own cause, to my own master. Later, Srila Sridhara Maharaja spoke more: Srila Sridhara Maharaja: I am not going anywhere to do anything against them. I am sitting here. People are coming, and according to my conscience, what I have to say to them I am saying. I am not an aggressor. Sudhira Maharaja: This has disturbed many of the devotees who are appreciating your instructions. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Is it going against Swami Maharaja what I say? Sudhira Maharaja: Not according to them, but there is a difference of opinion. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: But what I said was taped by you all. Was there anything which went against the preaching of Swami Maharaja? I don't think that is the case. Sudhira Maharaja: No one thinks like that. Bhakti Caru Maharaja: But it is going against them [the leaders' improprieties]. Actually many of the godbrothers started to see things from a different perspective. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Last time also I asked them what they
wanted me to do-should I give ditto to whatever they will do. Then I asked
them, "Do you think that I am under your committee." "No,
no, that we don't think." Then the day before yesterday, again the
same thing. "We had a meeting and in our meeting we accepted the principle
that the number of acaryas Srila Sridhara Maharaja mentions that he has his own unique contributions to make and that these may sometimes even differ from Srila Prabhupada, a viewpoint that Srila Prabhupada himself supported in a letter to Upendra in 1972. [2] Many non-GBC devotees, dissatisfied and discouraged by the ISKCON GBC's overbearing style of management, also approached Srila Sridhara Maharaja for advice. His advice evoked a higher, more mature perspective in these devotees that many times also included more tolerance and compassion in regard to the ISKCON leaders. His expert advice revived many devotees' faltering faith and earned Srila Sridhara Maharaja a fast-rising popularity, which the GBC feared would diminish their position and control. In addition to examples presented in earlier chapters, an indication of the grave problems that confronted ISKCON is that the vast majority of disciples of Srila Prabhupada left the movement in a discouraged state of mind. A further strong indication is that, of the original eleven gurus only six remained in the mid-1980s. Real Seekers of Truth Are Fearless Devotee: They are afraid that the institution is breaking. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: If they are seekers after truth, they'll be fearless. It is His movement [Krsna's]. If He likes, He will keep it. It is spread by His will. So spacious and extensively, in such a small span of life, Swami Maharaja took it to the length and breadth of the world. It is by divine will. Devotee: Their position is that now they are in so much difficulty that they are just looking for somebody to blame. They don't want to blame themselves. They are just looking for someone outside. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: It is human nature. General weakness of man. Although officially ignoring the advice of Srila Sridhara Maharaja, the
GBC eventually implemented almost all of his suggestions, without giving
him credit. Not until the New Vrndavana meetings in 1985, when they were
forced by the overwhelming consensus of their godbrothers, did the GBC open up the guru extension. Many issues were at hand,
as godbrothers throughout the movement demanded reform. In his September
21, 1985, Guru Reform Letter
These changes were recommended all along by Srila Sridhara Maharaja. Acyutananda Swami's November 22, 1982 letter of apology to Srila Sridhara Maharaja provides us with a glimpse into the mood of the GBC just prior to severing their connection with Sridhara Maharaja:
Sridhara Maharaja Used as Scapegoat The final incident that lead to the offensive policy of the GBC regarding Sridhara Maharaja involved one of the original eleven ISKCON gurus and his deviation. Jayatirtha Maharaja had fallen from devotional standards and the GBC was unsuccessful in reinstating him in good standing. In fact their subsequent policy of forcing him out of ISKCON led to his further degradation. In spite of increasing public criticism of Sridhara Maharaja on the part of the GBC, its leader nonetheless had the sense that if anyone could help Jayatirtha, Sridhara Maharaja could. In 1982, Srila Sridhara Maharaja related the history regarding Jayatirtha Maharaja. Sridhara Maharaja: Jayapataka Maharaja came to me saying that Jayatirtha Maharaja is showing much sentimentalism and saying that this is all transcendental ecstasy. He asked me, is it so? I replied, this cannot be transcendental sentiment. What is the proof? I showed him, these are the scriptural quotes and the facts, and therefore we can never accept it as transcendental sentiment. Jayapataka Maharaja wrote a long letter to me, stating that such and
such things have happened. He wrote that he had consulted with Bhavananda
Maharaja who told him to consult with me. He asked me for my opinion about
all the things that have happened in regards to Jayatirtha. I told him that
I don't want to say anything before meeting Jayatirtha Maharaja. I want
to know what happened. And I had some doubts. They told that Jayatirtha
wanted sannyasa. Devotee: But already I spoke to him and he said that he won't pursue that anymore. Just privately he'll have some appreciation but not publicly. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: And publicly he is connected to ISKCON. And that is what I wanted. That would be a smooth activity with ISKCON in harmony. Things are going otherwise. After Jayatirtha Maharaja was secretly sent to Sridhara Maharaja, he
reemerged with the miraculous effect of his return to sanity. In fact, his
enthusiasm took him on an expansive preaching tour in which he did not hold
back from informing all of the greatness of Srila Sridhara Maharaja. This
public acclaim for Sridhara Maharaja voiced by one of the society's gurus
was too much for the GBC to bear. In March 1982 the
GBC insisted that either Jayatirtha remove Sridhara
Maharaja from his heart or leave ISKCON. He chose with
dignity the latter. Yet the GBC could not even honor
his nobility, what to speak of his spiritual principle of acceptance of
a siksa Rather than allow Jayatirtha to peacefully follow their own policy, upon
his leaving the society the GBC mounted a campaign
to expose his deviations to all the devotees from whom they themselves had
been hiding them. They thus implied that they had rejected Jayatirtha, while
Sridhara Maharaja had sheltered him, and in effect sanctioned his avaisnava Offenses against Srila Sridhara Maharaja increased exponentially. Rumors
were circulated that Srila Sridhara Maharaja sanctioned the strange activities
of Jayatirtha Maharaja, that he was trying to destroy ISKCON,
and many more things. Derogatory publications of the GBC,
such as Vaisnava Ke Srila Sridhara Maharaja Severed Following a reversal of feelings towards Srila Sridhara Maharaja in early 1982, the ISKCON GBC legislative body decided during that year's Mayapur meetings that anyone seeking siksa outside ISKCON must leave ISKCON. This decision was directed toward those who wished to approach Srila Sridhara Maharaja. Srila Sridhara Maharaja, however, replied very generously to this disconnection: Devotee: Martial law. Dictatorship, just like in Poland. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: No, not martial. They are not happy to do that, but on policy they are to do this for the time being; they are to test what effect it may have. They have some affection for me; but still, to save their institution from the present crisis, temporarily they are giving trial to this particular injunction. Devotee: Temporary injunction. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: I think like that. I think like that. Devotee: You are very gracious. Srila Sridhara Maharaja: They cannot forget me totally. The newcomers may think like that, but the older devotees that have seen me along with Swami Maharaja. It will be difficult for them to put such a rigid law between the two, for those older men have seen how intimately Swami Maharaja dealt with me. It will be very difficult for them, but still they have a policy to make a check. If ever Srila Sridhara Maharaja misjudged the senior men he refers to above, it was on this occasion. He gave them far more credit for having a sense of not only Vaisnava etiquette, but even common sense and human decency. They had no difficulty whatsoever enforcing their policy of severance from Sridhara Maharaja. Moreover, their policy proved not to be a temporary one. Invited by Affection's Force and Driven Out Later, Srila Sridhara Maharaja commented:
I Am Very Much Mortified In an unfortunate conversation in March 1982, indicative of the intensity
of the aparadha
Aparadha's Havoc The fate of Ramacandra Puri, described in the Caitanya-caritamrta,
The incident of Daksa's offense to Maharaja Ambarisa also illustrates
the severity of vaisnava-aparadha. Those responsible for the ongoing ISKCON institutional aparadha
Blasphemy Must be Undone The offensive attitude toward Srila Sridhara Maharaja directly opposes
Srila Prabhupada's final instructions and desires with regard to Srila Sridhara
Maharaja-the same desires that were understood and implemented by the GBC in 1978. Additionally, many of the GBC
accepted Srila Sridhara Maharaja as their siksa-guru In The Heart of Krsna,
Insubstantial Apologies Even in the mundane world one who slanders another must retract the slander in the same form that it was given. This was not attempted in the case of Srila Sridhara Maharaja. A Vaisnava easily forgives offenses, however the dust of his feet does not. The example of Gadadhara Pandita shows how seriously one must take atonement for an offense to a Vaisnava. Gadadhara Pandita only committed a mental offense to Pundarika Vidyanidhi, yet he was ordered by Mahaprabhu to take initiation from Pundarika. Offenses must not only be undone, but undone with interest--that is, one must make a real and substantial effort to correct the damage done, to clarify publicly any misconception or misinformation. Some token apology has been given officially and individually, yet we see that the offensive attitude of most devotees in ISKCON toward Srila Sridhara Maharaja has not changed. That apologies were in fact insubstantial has also been stated by Somaka Maharaja in his paper In Search of Harmony:
The insincerity of these apologies is further illustrated by the fact that the offenses continued and even escalated after apologies were made for previous offenses--something like the elephant's bath, which Srila Prabhupada was fond of quoting, or the Christian confessional. A public statement should be made in print, recognizing that forgiveness for these offenses will be proportional to the effectiveness of this public statement in terms of its correcting the offensive mentality in so many devotees' minds toward Srila Sridhara Maharaja. Conclusion Offenses to Srila Sridhara Maharaja constitute offenses to Srila Prabhupada
as well. One can imagine how displeased Srila Prabhupada has been by his
leading disciples' offensive dealings with his beloved godbrother. While
Sridhara Maharaja, in the mood of a parama The intention of this publication is not to cause our godbrothers unnecessary
embarrassment, but for the sake of clarifying certain vital points it has
been necessary in certain instances to give as complete an explanation as
possible. We are painfully aware of an unlimited number of embarrassing
facts and unpleasant activities in great detail, but find no purpose in
stating them herein. We are hoping that the illumination provided herein
as to the supramundane position of the guardian of devotion of the Rupanuga
sampradaya, Those who are not aware of the sequence of events that are clarified
within this presentation may question the necessity of this book-that ISKCON management has changed, that things are better now.
While we agree that some changes have been made individually and managerially,
institutionalized aparadha No doubt many factors have contributed to the present status of ISKCON. However, no one factor, nor any collective factors,
have the potential to damage a spiritual institution more than Vaisnava
aparadha. We hope that recognition of the purity of Srila Sridhara Maharaja's siksa It is not in the interest of serious devotees to continue the offenses
to Srila Sridhara Maharaja, for one who has not fully amended his vaisnava-aparadha
We place this offering before the Vaisnavas, scholars, aspirants-whoever is a seeker of truth.
[1] Several GBC members, in the course of establishing the spiritual validity of their relationship with Narayana Maharaja, attempted to set the record straight with regard to those who were rejected from the Society because of their relationship with Sridhara Maharaja. [2] SP Ltr Upendra February 19, 1972 |