Writings: Siddhanta

Heresy, Inquisition, Jihad, Fatwa and the Hare Krsnas

Jul 19 2010 - Krishna Talk 110
What do heresy, the Inquisition, jihad and fatwa have in common with some Hare Krsnas? » more

Sriya Suka

Jul 11 2010 - Krishna Talk 109
If you have been attending extensive hari-katha in recent years then you may have heard or read the story of Radha’s parrot generally known as Sriya Suka. » more

Faith confirms the Absolute

Feb 6 2010 - Krishna Talk 106
In his illumination on the eighth verse of Sri Upadesamrta, Srila Sridhara Maharaja discusses faith in relation to what faith is and what it is not. This is the Vedic process of learning. When you learn about something you must also understand what it is not. Take gold for example – when you learn... » more

The Definition of Faith

Dec 19 2009 - Krishna Talk 102
Faith is the basis of all things and as we advance spiritually then our faith also develops and grows. In Vedic philosophy faith is not an abstract or impersonal concept, it is not a state of mind but an energy that stimulates the heart and confirms the spiritual path for the devotee. Faith in its... » more

Devotional Principles

Dec 12 2009 - Krishna Talk 101
After wandering in this material world for many lifetimes, by the mercy of guru and Krsna, the seed of devotion is awakened within our heart. The process starts with a little faith (adau sraddha) and this faith leads us to seek answers (pariprasna) and the association of devotees (sadhu-sanga),... » more

The Self-Defeating Philosophy of Mayavada

Sep 18 2007 - Krishna Talk 70
The idea of Mayavada has always been present since the decline of the Vedic age. It is born from the minds of those jivas who have been envious and desired to usurp the position of God. These jivas, having lost touch with the highest ideal of serving God as an individual part and parcel, have... » more

Temple of Understanding

Jan 15 2004 - Krishna Talk 49
I have heard whispers that the temple being built in Mayapura, called the "Temple of Understanding," in some ways falls short of the proper conception of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. I have also heard that this Temple of Understanding is thought by some devotees to be the Adbhuta Mandira predicted by Sri... » more

The internal meaning of rathayatra and nama-bhajana: Part 1

Jul 19 2002 - Krishna Talk 30
Now today, after so long, there is a solar-eclipse here in Kuruksetra. It is as though a great holiday is taking place in our country. It has been so long since there has been a solar-eclipse. All this royalty has come to Kuruksetra on this occasion looking to fulfill their innumerable material... » more

The internal meaning of rathayatra and nama-bhajana: Part 2

Jul 19 2002 - Krishna Talk 31
One has to first engage in hearing the Names of the Lord so that the mind and intelligence are purified. After this one can begin hearing about Krsna's form through which one's qualifications to visualize it becomes possible. » more

Víra je naším skutečným bohatstvím

Jan 1 2001 - Krishna Talk 108
Proč naše vědomí sestoupilo dolů? Proč nemáme ponětí o vyšší, duchovní existenci? A proč se místo toho naše pozornost zaměřuje na materiální záležitosti z této hmotné úrovně? Myslíme si, že existuje nějaká pilulka, nebo dokonce snad nějaká omamná látka, která nám může pomoci. » more

Positive and Progressive Immortality

Date Unknown - Article
If immortality means 'no influence of mortality' what, then, is its positive conception? What will be the nature, movement, and progress of that which is immortal? » more

Conversations on Om

Date Unknown - Article
The letter 'A' denotes Balaram , the son of Rohini, who is the substratum of the entire universe, who is the supersoul of the universe. The letter 'M' denotes Anirudha, who is the supersoul of each individual being in the universe. And the 'dot' above the 'M' denotes Sri Krishna, the fountain head... » more

Secret of Prema - Rasika or Sahajiya?

Date Unknown - Article
One evening as we sat at Srila Puri Maharaja's lotus feet hearing about what it means to be a genuine Vaisnava, we were astounded when suddenly Srila Puri Maharaja said, "There is a wave of sahajiyaism coming to the Western world and you must preach against this misconception." » more

The Vedanta

Date Unknown - Article
I stand before you as a teller. I am going to tell you now a few words more on the Vedanta and especially its ontological aspect, morphology being a former changeable part of the same. My telling craves a reciprocity of your listening to my sound through your aural reception. Sound is the main... » more

Planets of Faith

Date Unknown - Article
Recently, we came across a discussion on the internet regarding sraddha - the importance of faith. Is it essential or only a necessity for the beginner? It is an area of siddhanta that is little understood by a vast majority of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas residing in western countries. » more

Ritvik Defeated

Date Unknown - Article
If all of you have been following his teachings for 25-30 years and you are not qualified, then why should I follow his teachings? It must mean that his teachings have no potency. That is what the ritviks are actually saying. » more

Tattvavada & Gaudiya Siddhanta

Date Unknown - Article
The contents of this webpage are in response to a group of young men claiming to be the followers of Sri Madhvacarya who recently challenged the siddhanta of the Gaudiya sampradaya. Many of their points simply stem from lack of knowledge of the Gaudiya siddhanta, whilst other arguments appear to... » more

Revelation Through Sound

Date Unknown - Article
The name must be of finite characteristic that can take away all that is undesirable in us. The name must have a spiritual conception not mere physical imitation, that can be produced only by the help of the lip and tongue. Krsna-nama, Hari-nama, Visnu, Narayana, all these are Vaikuntha-nama, it is... » more

Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika - Illuminations on the Essential Meaning of Gayatri

Date Unknown - Article
In the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, the gayatri which the guru (bona fide spiritual master) gives to the sadhaka (devotee) at the time of diksa (initiation) is that of the Vedic diksa (upanayana) and also that of the Vaisnava pancaratrika-diksa. » more

Bhagavad-gita Catur-sloki Bhasya (10.8-10.11)

Date Unknown - Article
Verses 8 - 11 are the four principal verses of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita. The ontological substance of the book is contained within these four essential verses, beginning aham sarvasya prabhavo - "Everything emanates from Me." » more

The Ten Maxims of Sri Krishna Caitanya - Sri Dasamula-niryas

Date Unknown - Article
The transcendental wisdom of the ten maxim is being enumerated in ten verses - svatah siddho vedah haridayita-vedyhah prabhrtitah (the Vedic scriptures are the only source of all authoritative wisdom according to words mentioned therein, viz., 'asya maha to bhutasya nisvasitametat'[Rk Veda] etc. » more

Faith Is Our Real Wealth

Date Unknown - Article
Why does our consciousness come down to this plane? Why doesn't it have a higher conception of higher spiritual existence. Instead our attention is drawn to some material thing on the mundane plane. We think that some medicine, or some intoxication can help us. » more

The Correct Angle of Vision

Jun 14 1935 - Article
This is a reproduction of a conversation with Major Rana N. J. Bahadur at Armadale, Darjeeling on June 14th, 1935. It was originally published in The Harmonist (Vol. XXXI, No.21) on the 27th of June, 1935. » more

The Forgetfulness of The Humanists

Sep 19 1934 - Article
The Fountainhead of all eternal and temporal manifestations is confined in Sri Krsna alone. The non-absolute phases are emanations from a particular potency whose analytical distributions are known as gunas or qualities. In the factor of time, they are branched as past, present and future and... » more

Our Affectionate Guardians (Czech)

Documents the intimate relationship of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja from their early days together, sharing quarters during the difficult days in the Gaudiya Matha and after Srila Prabhupadas' successful world preaching campaign. Visnu Maharaja gives a historical perspective which... » more