Writings: Sadhana-tattva

Unwavering Determination

Sankirtan movement of Mahaprabhu
Jul 19 2024 - Krishna Talk 248
Some devotees think that the strict discipline of the orthodox Vaishnava tradition is not meant for this modern permissive society — surely times have changed and we need to embrace a more liberal attitude. But it is just this desire for liberality, permissiveness which has run amok with the... » more

The Meaning of Surrender to Krishna

The Meaning of Surrender to Krishna
Sep 19 2023 - Krishna Talk 246
To surrender to Kṛṣṇa directly, to surrender to the Holy Name, that is very difficult, almost impossible and not very pleasing to Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa has no necessity of that. However, there is a necessity to serve a Vaiṣṇava, to serve the representatives, Kṛṣṇa’s intimate devotees. That is an... » more

The Resolve of Mahaprabhu's Devotees

Apr 18 2022 - Krishna Talk 240
Through Mahāprabhu one can understand everything — what we are, who we are, where we come from, and what is the purpose of our existence? All fulfillment of the soul can be achieved at the Lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. This is the bold proclamation of His devotees. » more

The Legacy

Oct 12 2021 - Krishna Talk 238
Śrīla Prabhupāda has written that, “Satisfaction of the self realized spiritual master is the secret of success in spiritual life.” In essence, this refers to service that is known to be what the spiritual master desires, wherever and whenever it is performed. » more

Initiation into Spritual Life

Oct 4 2021 - Krishna Talk 237
The good preceptor although he appears to belong to this world is not really of this world. No one who belongs to this world can deliver us from worldliness. The good preceptor is a denizen of the spiritual world who has been enabled by the will of God to appear in this world in order to enable us... » more

Systematic Knowledge & Real Progress

Sep 25 2021 - Krishna Talk 236
Progress means to leave the former position, and go forward. But only the one who is hopeful of a bright future, should leave the former position and advance. Those of doubtful mentality, suspicious mentality, it is better for them to stick to the former position, which is their already... » more

Our Approach to the Higher Plane

Krishna with the Gopis
Sep 17 2021 - Krishna Talk 233
Not to minimise the rāsa-līla of Kṛṣṇa, but one should not jump over all that Kṛṣṇa has said, and all that Kṛṣṇa has done, and arrive at the most esoteric part of Kṛṣṇa's līla. If one does this, then one will face problems and even possible destruction. » more

On Hankering and Satisfaction

May 14 2021 - Krishna Talk 231
Don't feel satisfied, try to feel an increased necessity. Within this hankering comes the feeling of fulfillment also. Just fulfillment, as it stands alone, is not in our favor. It will not bring us and keep us in touch with the devotees in this life. It will not enable us to substantially remain... » more

El Ideal Mas Alto

Jan 8 2011 - Krishna Talk 119
En nuestra condición presente, la tendencia a mejorar espiritualmente es laudable, pero debemos cultivar escrupulosamente sólo aquellas cualidades que son beneficiosas para nuestra salud espiritual. » more

The Highest Ideal

Jan 8 2011 - Krishna Talk 119
In our present condition the tendency to improve spiritually is laudable, but we should scrupulously cultivate only those qualities that are beneficial for our spiritual health. » more

Srila Sridhara Maharaja and the Gem of All Conceptions

Oct 29 2010 - Krishna Talk 114
The following is a transcript of a class given by Srila Narasingha Maharaja on Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja’s appearance day in Vrndavana at Sri Sri Radha-Damodara Temple on 12th October 2009. » more


Dec 25 2009 - Krishna Talk 103
Saranagati to the spiritual master is a prerequisite for any devotee aspiring for spiritual progress. Srila Sridhara Maharaja says, "In my study I found that saranagati alone is sufficient to produce all sorts of development in bhakti." » more

Master and Servant

Nov 27 2009 - Krishna Talk 99
We are encouraged to search for Krsna, yet we should never forget that on our own we can never find Him. It is He that must come to us. The path of bhakti is a descending process. It is super-subjective – it always has been and always will be. In the words of the German philosopher Hegel, “He is... » more

The Ultimate Encouragement

Sep 6 2008 - Krishna Talk 81
"Don’t feel discouraged, Krsna and His devotees are reaching out to you. They are reaching to embrace you. Their causeless mercy is our greatest fortune. For some reason unbeknownst to us, we have this opportunity. We are being canvased into that sankirtana , as He has appeared as Mahaprabhu." » more

Raga-patha is Above All

May 5 2008 - Krishna Talk 77
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura composed the verse, matala hari-jana visaya range pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange, in 1930 on the occasion of moving the Deities of Sri Gaurasundara and Sri Sri Vinoda-Anandajiu from the old house at Ultadanga Junction Road to the new temple in Bagh Bazaar,... » more

Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear to Tread

Jul 3 2006 - Krishna Talk 60
"Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, preached exclusively this Madhurya-rasa, but with great precaution. What is not that thing, he used perhaps 90% of his energy to point out the negative side - "This is not Madhurya-rasa" - and clear away the negative side. He had to spare, in... » more

The Worship of Lord Narasimha

May 1 2004 - Krishna Talk 51
I have seen on your website that you have installed and worship Deities of Lord Narasimha in your ashram. When Gaudiya Vaisnavas are devotees of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna why do you worship Lord Narasimha? » more

The Proof of Your Devotion

Dec 31 2003 - Krishna Talk 48
I once heard a devotee say that the proof of when your devotion has become real bhakti is when you can take the betel-nut prasadam from the mouth of Krsna and place it in the mouth of Radharani. Is this the actual standard by which we are to measure or understand when we have real bhakti? » more

The True Spirit of Separation

Nov 17 2002 - Krishna Talk 40
After Gaura Hari, who descended to purify this age of Kali, made Himself invisible to the eyes of the world, the preaching of His religion of love carried on more or less uninterruptedly up until the time of Baladeva Vidyabhushan. In the time that followed, though there were still many advanced... » more


Sep 19 2002 - Krishna Talk 36
In the eleventh Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, we find the instructive story of the brahmana of Avantipura who had previously been a miserly businessman. He was so cantankerous and prone to anger that his wife, children, relatives and servants all despised him. In due course, the avariciousness of... » more

The disciples mentality (Art of Sadhana - Ch XV)

Aug 17 2002 - Krishna Talk 33
The primary characteristic of a disciple who has received initiation and direction in the practice of worship from his spiritual master is visrambha, an honest desire for faithful and loving service to the spiritual master, the Vaishnavas and the Supreme Lord. The secondary characteristic is... » more

Ir más profundo

Jun 6 2002 - Krishna Talk 28
Hay mucha historia de nuestro parampara. No podemos simplemente estar hablando substancialmente sobre temas de Conciencia de Krsna de acuerdo a nuestro capricho, debido a que está bajo resguardo. El guardián y el que da la llave está por encima de nosotros. De acuerdo a su deseo un hombre tonto... » more

Go Deeper

Jun 6 2002 - Krishna Talk 28
There is a lot of history to our parampara. We cannot simply speak substantially on topics of Krsna Consciousness according to our whim, because it is always under lock and key. The keeper of the key is above us. According to His wish, a dumb man can eloquently speak the Vedas, or a blind... » more

Ser un sirviente

Mar 30 2002 - Krishna Talk 24
La verdad se debe hablar de una manera directa, por lo que beneficiara a otros. He oído decir que, en el gran movimiento de conciencia de Krsna, algunas mujeres piden ser llamadas Prabhu (Maestro). En realidad, a todos los devotos se des dice Prabhu, pero un devoto real dice "Llámame tu sirviente,... » more

To Be a Servant

Mar 30 2002 - Krishna Talk 24
The truth should be spoken in a straightforward way, so that it will benefit others. I have heard that, in the greater Krsna consciousness movement, certain women clamor to be called Prabhu. Actually, all devotees are called Prabhu, but a real devotee clamors, "Call me your servant, call... » more