Swami BB Vishnu: Writings

Swami B.G. Narasingha offering a lamp at Radha Damodar, Vrindavan, during Kartik

The Spirit of Kartika in Vrindavana

Kartika in the Vraja-dhama is a very special time for its residents, drawing out their deep devotion and excitement in anticipation of the daily offerings of lamps and the special darshans of its Deities.
Sankirtan movement of Mahaprabhu

Unwavering Determination

Some devotees think that the strict discipline of the orthodox Vaishnava tradition is not meant for this modern permissive society — surely times have changed and we need to embrace a more liberal attitude. But it is just this desire for liberality, permissiveness which has run amok with the rampant expansion of Kali-yuga.

The Legacy

Śrīla Prabhupāda has written that, “Satisfaction of the self realized spiritual master is the secret of success in spiritual life.” In essence, this refers to service that is known to be what the spiritual master desires, wherever and whenever it is performed.
Pilgrims at Kumbha Mela

The Greatest Gift - Part 2

We are very far from the Infinite, yet the simple process of chanting His Holy Name, which is non-different from the Lord Himself, allows us to touch His essence, to experience a closeness with Him and His wonderful pastimes.

The Greatest Gift - Part 1

Devotional life or Bhakti-yoga is a science which follows very exact guidelines — which are both very easy to follow and at the same time difficult for many, because their feet may be firmly rooted in material desires and sinful activities. Yet the Holy Name chanted purely will pull them out of the muck and propel them into an eternal life of sat, cit and ananda — an eternal life full of knowledge and great pleasure.

A Thousand-Percent Difference

Sripada Narasingha Maharaja once mentioned that everything that Srila Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja spoke was like a sutra. There was so much essential substance in each word.
Our Affectionate Guardians book cover

Our Affectionate Guardians (Unabridged)

Documents the intimate relationship of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja from their early days together, sharing quarters during the difficult days in the Gaudiya Matha and after Srila P

Swami BB Vishnu
Our Affectionate Guardians book cover

Our Affectionate Guardians

Documents the intimate relationship of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja from their early days together, sharing quarters during the difficult days in the Gaudiya Matha and after Srila P

Swami BB Vishnu

Kumbha Mela - The World's Largest Act of Faith

On the occasion of Kumbha Mela, pilgrims from every nook and corner of India - speaking different languages and dialects, wearing distinctive markings on their foreheads, donning various types of d

Swami BG Narasingha
Swami BB Vishnu

Devotional Principles

After wandering in this material world for many lifetimes, by the mercy of guru and Krsna, the seed of devotion is awakened within our heart. The process starts with a little faith (adau sraddha) and this faith leads us to seek answers (pariprasna) and the association of devotees (sadhu-sanga), those who are practitioners of the devotional process. The cultivation of this seed of the creeper of devotion is the substance of our devotional life.

In Search of Truth

Scientists have made great strides with their speculations, postulations, hypothesis and analysis of the creation or the universe we live in. Yet we see that the latest theories always seem to have some imperfections and exceptions.