An excerpt from a Bengali article found in The Gaudiya magazine written in 1935, explaining the prediction of Sri Nityananada Prabhu and it's fulfillment by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakura.
"May Lord Govindadeva, who charms the eyes of all living beings with the graceful movement of the peacock feather in His golden crown shining with pearls and gems, be my shelter."
The Greeks identified Krsna with Herakles and Sankarsana with Dionysos, and it is no wonder that they were favourably inclined to their worship. The Besnagar inscription describes the Greek ambassador Heliodorus as a Bhagavata who dedicated a Garuda banner to Lord Vasudeva.
We should try to become more acquainted with the realistic view of Nabadwip. There are so many divisions in this Nabadwip Dham: mainly nine. It is mentioned that they represent the nine sections of devotion.
An article by Prof. Nishi Kanta Sanyal, disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada, taken from The Harmonist magazine Vol. 28. 1931. Prof. Sanyal explains both the academic and transcendental evidences to authenticate the Mayapura birthsite.
An extract from an article entitled "The Full Moon of the Advent of Lord Gauranga" from The Harmonist, Vol. 15 1935. This essay mentions the prediction of Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura in Sri Caitanya-bhagavata about the discovery of Mayapura.