
Today, the devotees in our asrama in Guanajuato, Mexico, presented Srila Guru Maharaja with the first ever book in Spanish for our mission.
The book, entitled, Mahaprabhu - El Santo de la India, is all about Mahaprabhu and His teachings. It consists of seven articles from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Sridhara Maharaja, and many Krsna-Talk articles by Srila Guru Maharaja.
The publiciation was translated by Maitreya Dasa, edited by Ekanatha Dasa and designed by Daruka Dasa. This is the first of many more books to be published in Spanish by Gosai Publishers in Mexico.
If anyone would like to purchase copies of the book, they can contact Ekanatha Prabhu at the following email ID –
Sriman Mahaprabhu ki jaya!