On Tuesday May 1st, the auspicous appearance of Lord Narasimha was celebrated at Govindaji Gardens.

Devotees arrived early in the morning to take special darsana of Yoga-Narasimha decorated with candana and flower garlands. At 10:30 am Bhakti Vijnana Giri Maharaja gave class about Narasimha’s pastimes and the ontological position of Prahlada in the Gaudiya sampradaya. After class Vamanadeva Dasa, Balarama Dasa and other devotees sang bhajanas while other devotees began cooking for the offering in the evening.

At 3:30 pm pujaris took off the candana from Yoga-Narasimha and have Him an oil bath. At 4:30 the main abhiseka began with the bathing of the salagramas with pancamrta. Yoga-Narasimha was bathed in milk, rose water, candana water and other scented items. After the abhiseka, bhoga was offered to Sri Sri Gaura-Radha-Madhava while Yoga-Narasimha was decorated again in preparation for the main arati at dusk.

At twilight, conches were blown and bells were rung as the doors opened to reveal Lord Narasimha fully decorated. Arati was performed by Rupanuga Dasa as the devotees performed nama-sankirtana.

The program ended at 7:00 with guests and devotees honoring the Lord’s remnants.