Goshala Renovations


March and April have seen a major renovation at Govindaji Gardens Goshala. This is now the most ecstatic looking goshala in India, and possibly the world. Not to mention that the goshala is now completely mosquito and fly proof. The renovations which included full painting inside and out, brass bells for all the cows and calves, two large outside summer sheds, uniforms for the village workers, a compound wall, plastering, and a new gate were all made possible by the generous donations from Gour Govinda Prabhu, a disciple of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is a real cow lover at heart.

The goshala turned out so nice and the twenty-two cows and calves look so beautiful that this sparked an idea to develop a completely separate website for promoting the concept of cow protection. The website also turned out really great due to the devoted efforts of Sripad Vishnu Maharaja and can be viewed at WWWW.MOTHERCOW.ORG

But it doesn't stop there. Through the MOTHERCOW.ORG website and through the local media here in India we are mounting a campaign to increase peoples awareness of the necessity for cow protection not only by the Vaishnavas but by all human beings.

We have also decided to set our goal at increasing our present facilities until we have over 100 cows.

To this end the goshala is now selling 140 liters of milk every day to sweet shops in Mysore - some of which is delivered to individual homes in half liter and one liter packets as "Ashram Milk".

Cows are an important part of Brahminical culture and we encourage the devotees world wide to support goshala projects in whatever way they can.