Gaudiya Touchstone issue 10 out now!
In this issue of Gaudiya Touchstone we are commemorating 50 years of Krishna Consciousness in the western world. On September 17th 1965, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada arrived at Boston Harbor aboard the good ship Jaladuta with a trunk full of Srimad Bhagavatams and little to no personal belongings, but with the message which was to be the prime benediction for humanity at large. Between 1965 and 1977, Prabhupada circled the globe 12 times distributing the message of Godhead thru his transcendental literature and establishing Krishna consciousness centers of learning on every continent, making ‘Hare Krishna’ a household word.
This issue of Gaudiya Touchstone celebrates Prabhupada’s arrival in the west with a presentation of articles from the Gosai Publishers archives.
Our first article, Nitya Dharma Suryodaya is by Bhaktivinoda Thakura who foretold in 1885 that foreigners would soon take up the banner of Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtana movement in every town and village.
The article, Sri Brahma Samhita is based upon Saraswati Thakura’s introduction of the 1936 edition of the Brahma-samhita and was delivered by Prabhupada in New York in 1965.
Shaktyavesha Avatara is a compilation from talks by Swami B.R Sridhara Deva Goswami glorifying the achievements of Prabhupada. Sridhara Maharaja concludes in order for Prabhupada to spread Mahaprabhu’s movement throughout the world, he must have been empowered by Lord Nityananda – he must have been a shaktyavesha avatara.
Interpretations of Bhagavad Gita is an early essay by Prabhupada from 1948 which was published on the auspicious occasion of Gita-Jayanti.
Srila Prabhupada wrote two Bengali poems en route to America, praying to Krishna for His mercy and guidance to spread the Holy Name and preach the glories of Lord Chaitanya. These two poems are presented in Prabhupada’s Prayers on the Jaladuta.
How Great is Srila Prabhupada? is a lecture wherein the unique position of Prabhupada is discussed at length, and the article Bhaktivedanta gives us the history of Srila Prabhupada’s title, Bhaktivedanta.
Srila Prabhupada Stotram is a series of 5 Sanskrit prayers composed during the lifetime of Prabhupada that were very much appreciated by him.
Since Sri Krishna-Janmastami is also celebrated at this time of year, we also have an article by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura entitled Sri Krishna Tattva which delineates the supreme position of Lord Krishna, and a transcript of a lecture Sri Krishna Janmastami, which explains the appearance of the Lord.
Rasikananda takes us to the temple of Karighatta Srinivasa in Temples of Karnataka, and Dr. Robert Lanza explains Why You’re Alive and Can Never Die.
We also have our Words of Wisdom section and to wrap up this issue in Culinary Magic, Kunjabihari reveals how to make the amazing prep, whole milk Kulfi — a Vegan’s worst nightmare!
Swami B.G. Narasingha