Friday 21st 2008, the 522nd appearance anniversary of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, was celebrated enthusiastically at Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha by all the devotees, members and guests.

After the mangala-arati, the pujaris offered a beautiful new outfit to Sri Sri Gaura Radha-Madhava and decorated the altar lavishly with garlands and colorful flowers. While decoration was going on, B.S. Madhava Maharaja led some of the devotees in bhajanas on the veranda of Lord Jagannatha's temple for a couple of hours until darsana arati.

This years Gaura Purnima also saw the sannyasa initiation of H.H. Bhakti Parvata Muni Maharaja. Muni Maharaja is a initiated disciple of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and following Srila Prabhupada's instruction that his male disciples should accept the sannyasa order after 50 years old, Muni Maharaja recently received his sannyasa vesa and name in Srila Prabhupada's eternal residence at Sri Sri Radha-Damodara temple in Vrndavana. This Gaura-purnima, Muni Maharaja came to Govindaji Gardens to receive the sannyasa mantra, the tridanda and other details of the sannyasa asrama from Srila Narasingha Maharaja. Muni Maharaja will be helping our mission with preaching in South India and Europe.

Just before the sannyasa initiation, Narasingha Maharaja gave a lecture on the life and philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and then spoke on varnasrama and sannyasa. He then entered Srila Prabhupada's puspa-samadhi with Muni Maharaja where he imparted the sannyasa mantra and it's meaning to him. When they both came out, all the assembled devotees gave their "jayas" and a Fire-Yajna led by BV Giri Maharaja began. Oblations were offered to Sri Caitanyadeva with the Vedic Purusa-sukta prayers and the sacrifice concluded with the Vaisnava mantras.
Srila Narasingha Maharaja then led the devotees in a wonderful kirtana around all the temples which finally ended in the kirtana hall in front of Sri Sri Gaura Radha-Madhava.

Throughout the afternoon devotees sang bhajanas glorifying Mahaprabhu and in the early evening there was an abhiseka where every devotee present had the chance to bathe the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with milk and rose-water.

Once the Deity of Mahaprabhu returned to the altar, Madhava Maharaja began to lead the sandhya-arati. Devotees then honored caranamrta and maha-prasadam at moon-rise, ushering in the 522nd anniversary advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.