Srila Prabhupada's 108th Avirbhava-Tithi Maha-mahotsava


The 108th holy appearance day of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada was celebrated at Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha.

Srila Prabhupada's puspa-samadhi was profusely decorated with flowers in the morning during which time devotees in the kitchen also cooked various items to offer to His Divine Grace.

At 10:30 am there was puspanjali and arati to Srila Prabhupada. Srila Narasingha Maharaja led the devotees in singing 'Sri Guru Carana-padma' by Narottama Dasa Thakura while Srila Visnu Maharaja offered the arati.

The assembled devotees then sat down to hear Srila Visnu Maharaja speak on guru-tattva. Maharaja elaborated on Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura that he wrote in 1936.

Then, Srila Narasingha Maharaja sang 'Ohe Vaisnava Thakura' and summarized Srila Prabhupada's prakrta-lila, explaining various lilas of his life in the context of Gaudiya Vaisnava epistemology. His lecture was simultaneously translated into Kannada by Nanda-kisora Dasa.

After the program, all the devotees honored a feast in honor of Srila Prabhupada's divine advent in this world.