Sri Radhastami Mahotsava


Srimati Radharani’s appearance day was celebrated on 22nd September here at the asrama. As Radharani is known as ‘Nilambari’ (She who is adorned in blue), it was fitting that the Deities wore beautiful blue clothes for the occasion. The two pujaris, Kirtanananda Dasa and Gaura-gopala Dasa elaborately decorated the altar with garlands. At 8:00 am after the darsana-arati, Giri Maharaja spoke on the glories of Srimati Radharani elaborating on the verse from Caitanya-candramrta by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati.

yatha yatha gaura-padaravinde vindeta bhaktim krta punya rasih
tatha tathot sarpati hrdya-kasmad radha-padambhoja sudhambu rasih

“One who is extremely fortunate may get the mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. As much as one can devote his full attention to the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya, to that extent he will be able to taste the nectarean service of the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani.”

After the class, all the devotees, including the children, went to the Deity kitchen and enthusiastically cooked about 30 items for the pleasure of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. At 12:30 the devotees sang the bhoga-arati song and offered arati to the Deities. All the devotees then gathered in the prasadam hall to honor Srimati Radharani’s remnants.