Installation of Sri Kaliya-mardana Krsna


On Sunday 22nd of January, a festival was held at Govindaji Gardens to celebrate the installation of Sri Kaliya-mardana Krsna. Devotees and guests from Bangalore, Mysore, Mandya and other surrounding towns attended the program.

The main program was held in the afternoon and began with bhajans led by Govardhana Dasa and Kunjabihari Dasa. This was followed by a class by Srila BB Visnu Maharaja who spoke on the pastime of Krsna chastising the serpent Kaliya. Maharaja also explained how according to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Caitanya Siksamrta, the serpent Kaliya represents malice and wickedness. Devotees who desire to remove such an anartha from their hearts should hear this pastime of Sri Krsna.

At 6:30 the abhiseka began. Srila Narasingha Maharaja bathed Kaliya-mardana Krsna in milk and scented water as devotees performed nama-sankirtana. Srila Narasingha Maharaja then decorated the Deity with ornaments, garlands, tulasi and candana. After bhoga was offered to the Lord, arati was held and a feast was honored by about 130 guests and devotees.

Sri Kaliya-mardana Krsna will soon be taken to His new residence at our asrama in Mulki, near Udupi (where construction of the ashrama is now complete).