Gaura Purnima Festival - Kaliya-Mardhana-Krsna Ashram


The morning program started with a kirtana led by Govardhana Dasa. Haridasa Babaji Maharaja then gave a very nice and in-depth class from Caitanya-bhagavata to the devotee residents and four visiting guests.

The guests included two men from Germany and a brother and sister from Ireland. The guests responded well to the class and it must have made a strong impression on them, because the two German guests fasted until moonrise along with the devotees and the two Irish guests wanted to do some service throughout the day.

Cooking commenced right after the morning program and didn't stop until the late afternoon. The main cooks were Gaura-nataraja Dasa, Krsna Priya Dasi, and Kirtanananda Dasa. Govardhana Dasa also prepared a nice preparation.

Nearing moonrise the offering was prepared and a fired up kirtana was led by Govardhana Dasa, then Babaji Maharaja, and finally Kirtanananda. Gauranga Mahaprabhu's prasadam was then distributed to the guests, some of the neighbors, and the devotees. There were 25 preparations in all. Everyone could not help but glorify the Lord's sweet prasadam. One of the visiting guests said, "This the best food in the world!"
