This July /August Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja paid a visit to friends in Holland, Germany, USA, Hungary and Switzerland. Leaving India in mid July, Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja, accompanied by Swami B.S. Madhava flew to Amsterdam where Sriman Arjuna Prabhu arranged a few meetings with friends. The evenings were spent hearing from Srila Narasingha Maharaja as the devotees from various parts of Holland and Germany asked him questions on Krsna conscious matters.

Maharaja then went on to Germany, paying a visit to Sripada Paramadvaiti Maharaja and devotees in Berlin who were preparing for their Deity Installation of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. While in Germany, Maharaja visited Haladhara Prabhu’s farm in Northern Germany as well. Maharaja gave several classes while in Berlin, which will be made available online soon.
From Germany, Maharaja flew to America, where Jayadeva Prabhu and family hosted him in Vermont. During his stay, Maharaja met with various devotees there. Before returning to Europe, Maharaja made a short visit to Florida. On the 1st of August, Jayadeva Prabhu joined Srila Narasingha Maharaja and Madhava Maharaja as they went to Hungary for the European Vaisnava Mela. For the 11th conscecutive year, the devotees in Hungary have put together a wonderful gathering of devotees and this year Maharaja had the opportunity to attend the mela.

The programs were held at Nandaflalva, near Zeged, where Sripada Bhakti Abhaya Narayana Maharaja (disciple of Srila Prabhupada and Sannyasa disciple of Srila Sridhara Maharaja) established a wonderful Vaisnava farm community in the 1980s before his untimely departure from the material world in 1993.

Srila Narasingha Maharaja paid his heartfelt pranamas to his dear God-brother at the Samadhi Mandira and spoke of Sripada B.A. Narayana Maharaja’s wonderful service to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja. Sripada B.A. Narayana Maharaja was a revolutionary preacher who went to great lengths to spread Krsna Consciousness throughout Eastern European countries during and after their communist rule. Maharaja gave classes there at the farm in the beautiful temple built by Sripada Paramadvaiti Maharaja (who is now acarya of the mission) and the disciples of Sripada B.A. Narayana Maharaja, Sripada Paramadvaiti Maharaja, Krsnananda Prabhu and H.H Bhakti Kamala Tirtha Maharaja (who is a disciple of Sripada B.A. Narayana Maharaja and has another farm project nearby)

Visiting Sripada Bhakti Kamala Tirtha Maharaja next, Srila Narasingha Maharaja and devotees spent some quality time with Tirtha Maharaja, discussing krsna-katha, taking prasadam and touring his new project. H.H. Tirtha Maharaja has a wonderful temple and land in an area called Swan Lake, which is approx 1.5 hrs drive from Nandafalva. Tirtha Maharaja continues to preach in universities, publish their Hungarian Magazine (Kagylokurt) and travels to other Eastern European countries regularly for preaching, following his Guru Maharaja’s direction.
From Hungary, Narasingha Maharaja and devotees went to Switzerland where they stayed for a week before returning to India for Janmastami and the Vyasa Puja festivals. The trip was meant to locate a suitable area to begin an asrama for Srila Narasingha Maharaja’s western preaching. While there, Maharaja and devotees spent time touring the country of Switzerland from corner to corner. With Krsna’s grace, that project should manifest within this next year! Maharaja will be back in Europe again for a longer stay this Winter/Spring.