News 2011

Karttika Report 2011

What follows is a report by Rupanuga Dasa on this years Karttika festival in Vrndavana.

New Bhagavad-gita Published

In this auspicious month of Karttika, Gosai Publishers is happy to present their new publication, "Bhagavad-gita – Sri Krsna's Illuminations on the Perfection of Yoga"

Sri Siksastakam in Kannada

By the mercy of Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga, Gosai Publishers have now published a new Kannada book – Sri Siksastakam with the commentary of Srila Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja.

Mandya Preaching Programs

On 26th February, Sripada Bhakti Vijnana Giri Maharaja and the devotees of Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha were invited to the inauguration of the Vara-siddha Vinayaka temple in Mandya.

Visit by H.H. Jayadvaita Svami Maharaja

From 7th till 13th of January, the devotees of Govindaji Gardens had the good fortune of hosting HH Jayadvaita Svami Maharaja, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada.