Sri Gaura Purnima Maha-mahotsava


The divine appearance of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu was celebrated in a grand style at the asrama on the 25th of March.

After mangala-arati, devotees profusely decorated all the temples with flower garlands while the pujaris performed the pujas to the Deities and offered elaborate srngara to Their Lordships.

At 9:00 am there was darsana-arati followed by a wonderful palaki festival. Sri Sri Laksmi-Narasimha were carried round the temple complex six times to the accompaniment of Hari-nama sankirtana before returning to the temple of Yoga-Narasimha.

After a short break, Srila Narasingha Maharaja gave class on the topic of the Holy Name and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's advent. He then gave hari-nama initiation to twelve devotees and mantra-diksa to five devotees.

At 2:00 pm nagesvaram was played for the pleasure of the Deities and at 5:00 the Deity of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was carried by Srila Narasingha Maharaja to the veranda of the Jagannatha temple for the maha-abhiseka, accompanied by kirtan led by H.H. Bhakti Srirupa Madhava Maharaja. The Lord was bathed in various substances and then returned to the altar for the bhoga offering.

During the sandhya-arati, H.H. Bhakti Srirupa Madhava Maharaja led an enthusiastic gathering of devotees and guests in the chanting of the Holy Name and after the jaya-dhvani, Srila Narasingha Maharaja and Srila Visnu Maharaja distributed prasadam sweets from the altar.

Over 240 devotees and guests filled the prasadam hall to honor the prasadam of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu after taking darsana of the auspicious full moon that ushered in the year 520 Gaurabda.