Recent Articles


Jan 4 2007 - Krishna Talk 68
Question: We have heard that Bhaktivinoda Thakura instructed Srila Bhaktisiddhanta to establish the system of daiva-varnasrama. My question is, what is daiva-varnasrama? Is it something different from varnasrama as we generally know it? Answer: Yes, daiva-varnasrama is significantly different from... » more

Aryan Invasion - History or Politics

N.S. Rajaram
Nov 21 2006 - Krishna Talk 67
Guest Article by N. S. Rajaram. The evidence of science now points to two basic conclusions: first, there was no Aryan invasion, and second, the Rigvedic people were already established in India no later than 4000 B.C.E. » more

Self Manifest Deities

Oct 16 2006 - Krishna Talk 65
During my many travels in India I have visited certain temples where it is claimed that the Deity of Visnu or Krishna was self-manifest. So my question is, whether it is possible that God self-manifests His Deity form or is it always necessary that an acarya or representative of God be instrumental... » more

Society Consciousness vs. Krsna Consciousness

Oct 16 2006 - Krishna Talk 66
I read a recent article on the internet by a leading ISKCON sannyasi/GBC/guru wherein he says, "We cannot even extend this family [ISKCON] to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. We cannot even take one step forward because the problem is if we put too much emphasis on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, then we will miss... » more

Why We Fight

Oct 9 2006 - Krishna Talk 64
Preaching means fighting - fighting with illusion and misconception. Our weapons are philosophical arguments backed by sastra and the opinions of previous acaryas. Preaching means speaking the truth and the nature of truth is that it wants to be found and it wants to fight with ignorance and... » more

Meditation Techniques and the Holy Name

Oct 2 2006 - Krishna Talk 63
There have been some recent discussions about techniques for meditation and controlling the mind while chanting japa [the Holy Name]. It is often said that we are doing mantra meditation, so I was wondering if our acaryas or the sastra have recommended any particular techniques that we can use... » more

More on Christianity: Only Krsna Consciousness Can Enhance Krsna Consciousness

Sep 26 2006 - Krishna Talk 62
Wasn't there perhaps sincerity in some of these religions at the time when they emerged? God is omnipresent and, after all, a man in the desert who had some desire to know truth would experience an aspect of God's beauty, power, love etc. He could feel that to be God and not yet know about Sri... » more

Real Religion is not Man-made

Sep 8 2006 - Krishna Talk 61
During a recent visit to Europe I had some informal discussions about religious conceptions with other Gaudiya Vaisnavas and I was surprised to hear some devotees speak about such groups as the Sufis, Whirling Dervishes, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Muslims as being deeply '... » more

Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear to Tread

Jul 3 2006 - Krishna Talk 60
"Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, preached exclusively this Madhurya-rasa, but with great precaution. What is not that thing, he used perhaps 90% of his energy to point out the negative side - "This is not Madhurya-rasa" - and clear away the negative side. He had to spare, in... » more

The Universal Teacher From Devavision Productions

Jan 30 2006 - Krishna Talk 59
Devavision Productions is pleased to announce the release of the long awaited video THE UNIVERSAL TEACHER [a documentary on the life and teachings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura]. » more

Jesus in the Vedas

Jan 17 2006 - Krishna Talk 58
Recent articles claim that the fable of Jesus is mentioned in the Bhavisya Purana. However, a closer look at this prediction strongly suggests foul play or interpolation on the part of Christian Missionaries in India during the late 18th century. » more

Adbhuta Mandira and Bhaktivinoda's Vision

Sep 20 2005 - Krishna Talk 57
Bhaktivinoda Thakura was not staying in Godrumadvipa when he had his vision of the Adbhuta Mandira. In fact Bhaktivinoda's house at Godruma was not built until two years later. » more

Адбхута Мандир и Видение Бхактивиноды

Sep 20 2005 - Krishna Talk 57
В статье «Адбхута Мандир и видение Бхактивиноды», написанной в 2005 году, Шрила Нарасингха Махараджа подробно рассказывает о том, как Бхактивинода Тхакур открыл Йогапитху, место рождения Шри Чаитанйи. Он приводит убедительные аргументы в пользу того, почему храм Йогапитха — это настоящий Адбхута... » more

Gita Govinda of Jayadeva Goswami

Sep 5 2005 - Krishna Talk 56
So far as the Gita-govinda is concerned, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta did not allow his disciples to read Gita-govinda nor did he ever write a forward to that book. » more

The Worship of Gaura-Gadadhara

May 21 2005 - Krishna Talk 55
I have seen on your website that you are worshiping Gaura-Gadadhara at your ashrama. Why are you worshiping Gaura-Gadadhara rather than Gaura-Nitai? » more

Inconceivable Topics

Feb 3 2005 - Krishna Talk 54
I have heard it said recently by some devotees that the origin of the jiva (regarding the soul's falling or not falling from the lila of Krsna) is inconceivable and that we cannot imagine or understand how or from where the soul has come into this material world. Can you please comment on this... » more

Jivas and the marginal plane

Jan 31 2005 - Krishna Talk 53
I have read the book "Our Original Position" (OOP) published by the Iskcon GBC Press in which it is stated that the jivas (living entities) come to this material world after falling from grace in the spiritual world. Is this 'fall philosophy' correct according to sastra and previous acaryas? » more

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

Verification of Science
Jan 1 2005 - Article
A vast number of statements and materials presented in the ancient Vedic literatures can be shown to agree with modern scientific findings and they also reveal a highly developed scientific content in these literatures. » more

Mayapura and the Adbhuta-mandira

Jul 23 2004 - Krishna Talk 52
There is a doubt circulating among some devotees about the authentic location of 'Mayapura,' the birth site of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There is also a controversy among some devotees about the Adbhuta-mandira. Will you please say something to clarify these issues? » more

The Worship of Lord Narasimha

May 1 2004 - Krishna Talk 51
I have seen on your website that you have installed and worship Deities of Lord Narasimha in your ashram. When Gaudiya Vaisnavas are devotees of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna why do you worship Lord Narasimha? » more