Vrndavana is the most important Gaudiya Vaisnava holy
place in all of India. This is because Mathura is
the birth-place of Lord Krishna and Vrndavana is the
place where he performed His childhood pastimes.
is said that there are about 5,000 temples in Vrndavana.
Amongst these some of the most famous are the temples
of Radha-Govinda, Radha-Madana-Mohana, Radha-Damodara,
Radha-Ramana, Radha-Gokulananda, and Radha-Gopinatha.
This is also the bhajana-sthali of the famous six
Gosvamis of Vrndavana, the intimate followers of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These six Gosvamis followed the
strictest standards of devotional service, wrote many
devotional literatures and uncovered the lost places
of Sri Krishna’s pastimes.
Radha-kunda is considered to be the holiest place
on earth for all Gaudiya Vaisnavas. Radha-kunda appeared
after Lord Krishna killed the demon Aristasura. Because
Aristasura was in the form of a bull, the gopis told
him that he had made an offence and had to purify
Himself by bathing in all the holy tirthas. Rather
than travel to all the holy places, the Lord brought
all the holy places to that spot. He struck the ground
with His heel and immediately all the waters from
all holy rivers appeared. This place became known
as Syama-kunda. In a competitive mood, the gopis led
by Srimati Radharani also created a kunda by digging
the earth with their bangles. All the holy rivers
then petitioned Srimati Radharani to allow them to
enter Her new kunda. Thus Radha-kunda appeared. About
5,000 years later the location of Radha-kunda and
Syama-kunda was unknown, then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
came to Vrndavana and discovered them. Later, Srila
Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami and Srila Jiva Gosvami supervised
the expansion and building of the kundas to what they
are today.
Govardhana Hill is another important holy place for
Gaudiya Vaisnavas. This hill is considered to be non-different
from Sri Krishna Himself. When Krishna saw the Vrajavasis
preparing to worship Indra, He instructed them to
offer all their worship to Govardhana Hill. Being
non-different from Govardhana, Krishna accepted all
the offerings of His devotees. Considering his offering
to have been spoilt and usurped, Indra became furious
and poured incessant rain upon the inhabitants of
Vraja. To protect them, Sri Krishna picked up Govardhana
Hill with the small finger of His left hand and held
it their for seven days. Seeing the greatness of the
Lord, Indra became repentant and begged forgiveness
from Him. From that time on, Sri Krishna became known
as Giridhari – the lifter of Govardhana Hill.